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Most recents (2)

Feb 7th 2018
I'm back in court for #UberWaymo where Travis Kalanick is expected back on the stand within the hour…
We're back in session, and the lawyers are debating about board member Bill Gurley's testimony. Jury is not in the courtroom yet while they sort of these kinds of issues #UberWaymo
Somehow we're AGAIN talking about the Greed Is Good video that Waymo wants to show. It's amazing the amount of time being spent on this YouTube video. #UberWaymo
Read 35 tweets
Feb 6th 2018
Former Uber CEO Travis Kalanick is about to take the stand in Day 2 of #UberWaymo. Lots of tension and swiveling heads in the courtroom as we get ready for his testimony.
Travis Kalanick enters alongside his lawyer, Melinda Haag. (She's a big deal)…
Also in the courtroom is Travis Kalanick's dad, who is looking on. First up is Waymo's questioning. #UberWaymo
Read 24 tweets

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