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Aug 27th 2020
T 278

Lala Deen Dayal (1844 - 1905) was born in Meerut in a Jain family of jewellers. He is considered as a pioneer of Indian photography. Nizam of Hyderabad appointed him as his court photographer & conferred upon him the title of "Raja".


#Jainism #Unknownjains
He set up his first studio in Indore in 1868. Later he set up studios in Hyderabad and Bombay. He took more than 6000 photographs. In 2006 Indian Govt issued a stamp to honour him.

The below photograph is of the ceiling of Jain Temple at Chittorgarh taken in 1882.


Lala Deen Dayal was appointed as the photographer to the Viceroy of India in 1885. In 1905-06, he accompanied the Royal tour of the Prince & Princess of Wales.

The below photograph is of Jain Idols in TinTal Cave of Ellora taken in 1889.


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