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Dec 3rd 2019
#UPISecurityIssue A friend send me money via @PhonePe_ , and it went to my @FederalBankLtd account which is inactive for last 4-5 years! 1/n
@PhonePe_ @FederalBankLtd That @FederalBankLtd account doesn't even have mobile / internet banking features. I have never used @PhonePe_ in my life, but phone pay shows that my number is linked to this bank and created a UPI code "automatically" !! 2/n
@PhonePe_ @FederalBankLtd Her version is that - she searched my phone number, it showed a "valid UPI" and my full name. The money came to @FederalBankLtd account, but I have never made a UPI. In fact, it's asking me for KYC since the account was idle for years. I feel so scared about @NPCI_BHIM now 3/n
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