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What is Dharma? - Universal Nature of Reality
What is Religion? - Belief & worship of divine power

@RSS4India @SadhguruJV @AnupamPKher @DrMohanBhagwat @Swamy39 @HinduDharma1
Since Sanatan Dharma is based on scientific concepts, it does not get into rhetorics, bias & isms

@RSS4India @SadhguruJV @AnupamPKher @DrMohanBhagwat @Swamy39 @HinduDharma1
India is a subcontinent which has been in existence since last 100 million years.

It's like South America, Australia, etc, which was split from the super continent Gondwana!

Traces of Humanity have been found in India since more than 10 million yearsโ€ฆ
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