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Dec 29th 2022

@.YuumiKhaos is trying to cancel me on twitter because she won't pay up 51 us dollars after I redid her entire model even though we said NOTHING about revisions prior.

#PSA #vtuber #vartist [1/5]
She forced me to redo her model and threatened to cancel me and says I'm "threatening her" and told me she'd pay me 1/8th of the original payment I'd normally do (400 usd turned to 51 usd, or 70 canadian dollars). [2/5]
Despite this she's attempting to smear my name even though she "supposedly" apolagised and we agreed by telling all her friends that I "threatened" her even though my message was the least threatening in the world and went deleting her messages to destroy proof
Read 5 tweets
May 13th 2022

Many artists / illustrators / designers / creatives often don't know how to price their c0mmissions, so I thought I'll share my thoughts on pricing factors for artists or clients

#ArtistOnTwitter #vtuber #vartist #live2d
First, there is a legendary service trifecta clients/consultants need to know. You can only have 2 of these:

Speed, Quality, Price

I.e. if you want it fast, either it'll be poor quality or expensive. If you want cheap, it won't be quality or it'll take a long time.
But there's more to it than that in our globalized world ofc.

Sometimes subjective but largely there is an "industry standard", looking at successful work out there to measure up to. In art, let's consider this the SUBSTANCE of art and can include:
Read 27 tweets

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