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Nov 6th 2020
So @GreenPartyUS vote share dropped considerably from '16, for a number of reasons, but it's a clear indication that in the final calculus most on the left accepted the @DemSocialists / #vbnmw framework, at least for now.
The election was very close, and socialists drug Biden's sorry ass across the line, but will you hear any gratitude?

Lol no.

The latest narrative is Biden lost Latinos because the spooky specter of socialists. Meanwhile, compare Latino percentage to Biden/Bernie vote share in the primary: ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Jun 23rd 2020
I was speaking with a VBNMW person last night. I came to the conclusion that they are lacking some critical information if they think Biden is an anti War candidate. So. Let's a take a trip through the MIC and current Geoplitical machinations to expose why you shouldn't vbnmw.
@JoeBiden voted for the Iraq war. More than that, he was on the senate intelligence committee. So. He was getting info and helping to sell us on the Iraq War. Also take into account that Biden was VP with the presidents ear when we started an additional 5 wars under Obama.
This brings me to trump. Trump assassinated an Iranian General. He also bombed Syria and got very close to escalating there. There was a failed foray into venezuela by a private firm. (Plausibke Deniability) trump is the political creation of the Clinton's. Their GOP pied piper.
Read 12 tweets

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