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Jul 24th 2020
❗️We want to work with YOU to plan a Day of Action on August 13, which would have been Mark's 66th birthday and is traditionally back-to-school season. Image
We hope to see #vigils and #ofrendas wherever people have been #MarkedByCovid to honor the lives lost, raise awareness of the severity of the pandemic, and urge our elected officials to make science-based decisions and open #OnlyWhenItsSafe.
Details coming soon. In the meantime, visit to help plan an event or donate to support the movement.
Read 4 tweets
Apr 5th 2019
Good morning!

As I start my last 24 or so hours as your guest poster for the week, I’ve just finished the #Vigils office which triggered something to share about the teaching in the Rule of St Benedict, so here’s another daily #thread...
In the #Vigils office, the reading was St. Augustine and it started with the line, “The Beatitudes start with humility...”

#Humility was a big deal to Benedict; and one of the great teaching chapters in the Rule, Chapter 7, is called On Humility.
It is by far the longest chapter in the Rule. In it, Benedict sees the way of humility as a ladder and likens it to the ladder Jacob saw (Genesis 28) “...on which Angels appeared to [Jacob] descending and ascending.” (RSB4:6)
Read 11 tweets

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