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Feb 1st 2021
If you are bored...pick a random place in the world you have never been and you don't know much about (maybe never want to go) Fly around the location using Google Earth. #virtualtravel #pandemiclife
Conflict zones and crisis zones are interesting. Puts geography in perspective why some places are hot spots.
Then there are places I've never heard of that are just fascinating geography - like #Reao in the South Pacific. What's your crazy discovery?
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Apr 19th 2020
Closed due to Covid AND road repair. Kasha-Katuwe is located on the Pajarito Plateau, at an elevation of 5700-6400 feet above sea level. Like most of the region, the volcanic activity that formed the Jemez Mountains sculpted the peculiar landscape. #geology #NewMexico #volcanic
The Jemez volcanic field has been active for the past 15 million years. It formed at the intersection of the Rio Grande rift and the Jemez lineament, an ancient northeast-trending fault line that has been a locus of volcanism for the last 10 million years.

The Valles Caldera is the 3rd largest super volcano in the U.S. It sits on top of an older caldera, the Toledo caldera, which may be on top of an older caldera. The calderas were formed during voluminous eruptions in the Jemez volcanic field 1.61 - 1.25 million years ago.
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