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[To @Ancestry/@FindaGrave]

One thing I want to try and achieve is to help improve the genealogy community and industry as a whole. And a major thing I want to improve on is FindaGrave. You might think "here he goes on his rant again" but hear me out... [1/15]
While FindaGrave has proved to be an invaluable tool for family historians and genealogists all around the world seeing headstones of ancestors or relations that are very far away. (For example me being in Ireland and having relatives buried in New York)... [2/15]
It has also proved to be a place that brings uncalled distress and bitterness. The culprit? Impatience and a competition to increase people's stats. If you had been previously unaware of this @Ancestry, I invite you to read this thread... [3/15]
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