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Oct 28th 2019
I sometimes marvel at the fact that how India, which as a country trails the US in almost every field of human advance, produced a media industry which is at least a decade ahead of the US when it comes to derangement syndrome and Islamist terror apologia. 1/3 #WaPoDeathNotices
What the US has been witnessing today, in the present instance the Washington Post, but also NYT, has been done at least and dusted a decade ago by Indian media. Remember,how Ishrat Jahan, the LeT terrorist was overnight turned into an innocent bread earner? #WaPoDeathNotices 2/3
In India it was Modi hate that drove most of the English media to look for succor among terrorists. In the US it is Trump hate. Whatever may be flaws of Trump, if it drives you to support rapists, mass murders and terrorists, then you deserve to be in media. 3/3 #WaPoDeathNotices
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Oct 28th 2019
Adolf Hitler, dedicated art enthusiast, animal rights activist, and talented orator, dies at 56.

Joseph Stalin, ardent anti-Nazi, dies at 74.
Cersei Lannister, loving sister and empowered leader, dies during freak accident while welcoming migrant groups.
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Oct 27th 2019
"Jeffrey Dahmer, connoisseur of exotic and locally sourced meats, dies at 34" #WaPoDeathNotices
"Joseph Stalin, advocate of a strong working class and population control, dies at 74" #WaPoDeathNotices
"Timothy McVeigh, innovator & enthusiast of lawn fertilizer products, dies at 33" #WaPoDeathNotices

h/t @KT_So_It_Goes
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