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If you follow a lot of Ukrainians, you might have noticed them using pictures of cotton flowers whenever a target in Russia gets hit. A lot of Ukrainians also have references to cotton in the user pictures and/or usernames. This is a reference to yet another great wartime meme!
You see, whenever the Ukrainian army hits a target close to or behind enemy lines (or, you know, whenever a careless Russian soldier decides to smoke near a large batch of explosives), the Russian media go out of their way to downplay the importance of what’s happening.
So instead of using the word “взрыв” (explosion) they tend to use softer euphemisms such as “хлопок” (small bang). Now, the funny thing about that word is that, depending on how you accentuate it, хлопок can mean both “small bang or clapping noise” and “cotton”. So Ukrainians
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