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Most recents (1)

Dec 20th 2020
(1) Most of those tweeting #WeAreLGBTQIA mean well, at heart. Some of the neverending alphabet soup of this terminology is unhelpful to the "cause," whatever that is on the day.

Here's my two cents worth:
(2) L and G are understandable and were the originals. L was put in front of G because early on, gay men were getting more airtime than lesbian women were. B was then added, but there are very few times in life when one's status as a B requires laws to be changed. Unlike L & G.
(3) Most LGB were not happy about T being added. LGB is about sexual orientation. T is about which gender you identify with. Ts as a group are tiny compared to LGB, and there's a case for not upending ALL laws & policies for such a tiny group.
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