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Nov 27th 2020
Over the years, WestJet’s Christmas campaign has warmed the hearts of Canadians. They
brought joy, peace, and hope to Canadians in need.
What could they be planning for 2020, one of the hardest years we’ve all ever experienced?
Sadly, travel agents know what’s coming for them -
the WestJet Grinch. These agents - moms
and dads, sisters and brothers, sons, and daughters in families throughout the country – have
been told by Mr. CEO WestJet himself that the WestJet Grinch is on the way.
He is coming to steal their stockings and toys, their Christmas meals and Christmas joys. Agents in Canada are facing financial ruin because the WestJet Grinch is making his rounds -grabbing the money they earned for services rendered during the pandemic.
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