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Nov 17th 2019
THREAD: on demon possession

The term ‘demon-possessed’ is common in modern Bible translations (eg ESV, HCSB, NIV, NKJV at Matt 8:28) & has become a standard phrase.

It conveys to people that 1 or more demons possess a person.

That’s the problem. We’ll see there’s been a shift.
The Greek is usually a single verb daimonizomai, which we might literalistically render as ‘be demonized’.

But earlier translations tended to express that the person had the demon, not the demon, the person.
The #LindisfarneGospels give us beautiful Latin with Anglo-Saxon glosses above.

Here’s Matthew 4:24: Latin et qui daemonia habebant ‘and whoever had demons’.

You can probably make out the words ‘devil’ & ‘have’ in the Anglo-Saxon.

So the people have the devils, not vice versa.
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Oct 30th 2019
THREAD: How did Judas Iscariot die?

In a recent debate with @BartEhrman

at 43-52 minutes we fell to discussing the mode of Judas’s death. Bart said that the accounts of Matthew & Acts were irreconcilable (& also reconcilable if you tried hard enough).
I made a couple of tactical mistakes:

1. not challenging his substitution of my word ‘headlong’ by ‘headfirst’ at 46:48 & 48:52.

2. focussing on the lexeme in Matthew, not the one in Acts.
But given enough time the tortoise can still get further than the hare. So here are some more leisurely reflections.
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