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Jan 30th 2021
People recommend a variety of strategies for (cyber)stalkers

Personally my fave: overload them with SO MUCH data their systems break down & THEY have a break down ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

Maybe stop stalking me so your brain wonโ€™t have to try to follow mine

cuz, I promise you: you canโ€™t keep up ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ
Last semester, way I did group work: slow down by 70-80%
(apart from rare times w/ ppl w/ matched pace & skill)

Based on 360 eval feedback to:
slow down so others can keep up
lower my standards

Took 3x course load
did 2-3 Zoom at once
& still got all As (except one B+)
Thought experiment:

If I were a cis straight white man with my abilities, would I still be told to lower my standards?

If I were not advocating for system change & equity but if as a WOC I aligned with incentives of patriarchy, would my hard work translate to more rewards?
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