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Sep 21st 2020
Trenton officials are considering: revising the city’s entire zoning ordinance, and creating a new category of land use: Industrial Waterfront.
#michigan #downriver #detroit #riverrouge #ecorse #grosseile #trentonmi #detroitriver #wyandotte #riverview…
"Of course, many — including me — consider Downriver to be the industrial backbone of Michigan, but for too many outsiders (especially within our own state) we’ve been maligned as dirty, dusty, noisy, smelly and otherwise the last place anyone would want to live."
"Yet even after more than 100 years of obvious history, you’d think we’d learn.

You’d think we’d think twice about going down that same dirty, dank, disgusting rabbit hole again.

But here we are: economic possibilities vs. quality of life — in Trenton and Riverview."
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