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Apr 10th 2019
Today marks the 19th year of the formal establishment of the system of #directprovision in Ireland . The system of #directprovision provides no-choice communal accommodation, meals and a weekly allowance of €38.80 (adult) & €29.80 (child), to those who claim asylum in Ireland.
In 1995, there were 424 applications for asylum, which increased in subsequent years, to 424 ('95), 1,179 ('96), 3,383 ('97) and 4,626 ('98) asylum applications #directprovision Based on media reports, @welfare_ie stated the welfare system was being abused in 1997.
The @DeptJusticeIRL stated that the newspaper report was not accurate, and simply of the @Independent_ie 's own making (#fakenews was never just the preserve of the internet) #directprovision
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