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Jun 26th 2022
"I am Jamie Bryson, I just turned 40 years old in April of this year. In April of 2021, I was diagnosed with #YoungOnsetParkinsonsDisease (#YOPD). I am an endurance athlete. I regularly compete in #Ironman and other triathlon events, road cycling events, & mountain biking events.
I live in the Dallas area w/ my wife, 3 boys (ages 12, 9, and 4), and 2 dogs. In November 2021, shortly after my YOPD diagnosis, I also discovered that I had a mass on my kidney and underwent surgery to have it removed in December.
The mass was in fact cancer, but it was caught super early (by accident) so I did not need any further treatment beyond surgery, although I did have to return to the hospital a couple of weeks later with an internal bleed and had COVID at the same time.
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