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Sep 20th 2020
The original tweet that inspired this video:

Apparently people like NMJ's anaconda more Xiyao + Britney lol.... noted
Read 3 tweets
Sep 19th 2020
Did you like the timing of that slap? lol

Also, I swear I muted the audio on the "er-ge, die with me" clip, but I keep hearing JGY say it. Checked the original audio, turned out there was a background hiss at the exact moment he says the word 'si' (die).
I also added a little candy pink tint bc why not
Read 10 tweets
Sep 17th 2020
Jin Guangyao X TAEMIN (태민) – Criminal

requested by

made this on hard mode: no subtitles in any clips

#cql #chenqingling #陈情令 #theuntamed #mdzs #modaozushi #魔道祖师 #jinguangyao #mengyao #lanxichen #niemingjue #xiyao #nieyao #nielan #3zun #taemin #태민
For extra pain here's the lyrics to the chorus:

So elegant, a criminal who hurts me
It’s okay, you soothe me just to torture me again
Ooh I’m on a leash called you
It’s painful as much as I can’t breathe but also magnificent
So elegant, a criminal who destroys me
Not okay, I try and shake my head
Ooh but I’m only getting dragged in more deeply
The moment I fall for you, is the end of my innocence
Read 5 tweets
Sep 17th 2020
💃🏻 Intoxicating Peace | 醉太平
💃🏻 dancer! #MengYao #JinGuangYao canon-divergent AU
💃🏻 #xiyao
💃🏻 aka my first #xiyaotroll hate - their comment inspired ch. 3 ft. the head of #NieMingjue

#cql #theuntamed #mdzs #MoDaoZuShi #陈情令 #魔道祖师 #lanxichen Image
Please please watch the video that inspired this fic! Zhu Zanjin is an amazing dancer and should be appreciated!!

Read 3 tweets
Sep 14th 2020
☀️Golden Hour | 金黄时刻
☀️#3zun lazy morning sex
☀️it's spoil a-yao hours
☀️1554 words, E
☀️#xiyao #nielan #nieyao
☀️Nie-furen AU from @3ysz_

#cql #theuntamed #mdzs #modaozushi #mengyao #jinguangyao #niemingjue #lanxichen #陈情令 #魔道祖师
Changed the chinese title to fit better.
Hey @weiyikes @quigonejinn guess who showed up

Hi, I’m the #xiyaotroll, Im 19, and I never learned how to read

Kids, polyamory is not cheating. ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Mar 10th 2020
I finally decided to do a Mpreg Wangxian story
I'll do my best to update everyday on this
Please look forward to this.

#魔道祖师 #陈情令 #Modaozushi #mdzs #CQL #chenqingling #蓝忘机 #蓝湛 #魏无羡 #魏婴 #lanwangji #lanzhan #WeiYing #WeiWuXian #wangxian #chibi #fanart #mpreg Image
This is what some of you guys are waiting for.
Thank everyone soooo much for support and kind words... In return I'll be giving what most of you have been requesting. WangXian MPREG!

🔔This is going to be quick draw/colored so I can get it out ... at least daily. 🔔
Read 22 tweets
Jan 15th 2020
chinese cultural context for moments in cql — a helpful thread! #陈情令
will be adding to this thread as i rewatch cql ~ feel free to ask questions! i can address
names hold high significance in chinese culture, they represent aspirations & blessings. best boy lsz’s name is one of my faves, his name 愿 (yuàn) means ‘wish’ & 思追 (sī zhuī) means ‘to chase thought’
Read 20 tweets

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