Christine Herron Profile picture
Early-stage investor and diversity advocate. Supporter of @500Startups, @BullpenCap, @LINESBallet, @StartX, @Troop61691, and @Calista.

Jun 17, 2018, 10 tweets

Teaching @calista about #quantumcomputing by baking a 49 #qubit rainbow "chip" cake this weekend #PBL #tanglelake #intel50 👩🏼‍🍳🌈🎂💻📻

following a #tanglelake cake recipe be like 👇 #wegotthis #noreally

Yeoman attempt to render the watermelon striping of an @intel #qubit processor, via @BettyCrocker #rainbowchip mix and @WiltonCakes color gels 🤞

Pro tip: rotate oven shelf by 180 so that the back stop is in the front, if the oven door won't close on your giant new cake pan 🤣

<wondering if @intel and @BettyCrocker have ever been co-tagged, she searches and confirms that in fact there IS (!) one tweet from 2015, via @polerstuff>

Quantum bakery getting real (AKA the fondant and geometric cookie cutters from @amazon arrived after lunch.) #achievementunlocked #1stsquarecakefondant

Radios are in! (@calista going to be mad that I rolled these and painted with gold Sunflower Sugar Art dust while she was at dad's, but hitting cake deadline) ⏰ @intel #tanglelake

Though @calista was unimpressed by heads/tails coin toss analogy for #quantumcomputing, she liked the idea of Grover throwing out all the times I would say No for a popsicle after school, so that every time she could get a Yes.

We did it! One "quantum rainbow chip" cake. 👩🏼‍🍳💻🎂🏆 Happy Birthday @intel! #tanglelake #intel50 #thenext50

Post-serving cross cut reveals outcome of our attempt to reproduce the watermelon-colored striping of @intel quantum silicon. @calista rocked it! 💚💖💚💖💚

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