Christine Herron Profile picture
Early-stage investor, diversity advocate, @StartX advisor/mentor
Oct 23, 2020 52 tweets 25 min read

#PresidentialDebate #Debates2020 SOME PEOPLE WOULD CALL IT (drink)

#PresidentialDebate #Debates2020
Sep 12, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Box fan air filters work...

Pic #1: MERV 12, MPR 1500 @3M @Filtrete, at 8:30AM today. In use nonstop for 1 week, in SF, in a bedroom with doors/windows shut. Taped to a cheap box fan on medium setting (2).

Pic #2: the same filter, at 6:30PM today. Outside AQI was 200-230. ImageImage Per the @nytimes, 87% of smoke particulates are removed from a room within 35 minutes, with a box fan air filter on a medium setting. (In an unfair comparison to expensive purifiers being run on can also run the box fan on high!)…
Jul 5, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
What a residential neighborhood looks and sounds like in San Francisco tonight 😲 Has been going on for 20-30 minutes and no signs of slowing down. (from Bernal Heights) @Bernalwood @SFist
Jul 4, 2020 8 tweets 8 min read
Kicking off July 4th weekend with a @HamiltonMusical watch party for @girlscouts @troop61691 - and our scouts LOVED it. Thank you @disneyplus @Lin_Manuel for sharing it in time! 🤩🇺🇸

PS Interested in Hamilton-with-kids? See thread for our cheat sheet. @GSNorCal @zoom_us 1. Set up a @zoom_us meeting, and make sure to have a couple of breakout rooms. Kids get bored on text-only, and Zoom supports video sharing during the show. Also, if (when) any kids get chatty, they can 'take it outside' into a breakout room, while the show continues for others.
May 27, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Heard from my daughter's 4th grade teacher that alternate-day school attendance is being considered for next year - eg, K-2 on Mon/Wed, 3-5 on Tues/Thurs
(thread) Pros:
- dropping daily attendance from 520 to 260, in the same physical space, makes distancing more feasible
- school 2 days/week should mitigate most of the social/emotional toll that kids are going through
- less scrambling by parents to home school
Mar 26, 2020 9 tweets 6 min read
Thank you @amazon for prioritizing education and communication supplies - ordered yesterday, and all 18 girls from @girlscouts @troop61691 will still receive their first wave of "going virtual" gear and activity kits by Monday 👧👧👧👧👧👧👧👧👧👧👧👧👧👧👧👧🔧🚗🎧🚢 PS In case you need a plan for your own scouts/kids!

1. Get them a lightweight (<16 oz) gaming headset of their OWN, to improve quality of class/scout video meetups. It's too hard to hear teachers (& easy to be distracted!) without one.
(see example at…)
Mar 20, 2020 17 tweets 9 min read
>>Cookies for first responders?<<
Girl Scout cookie booths were cut short by #COVID19, creating a big financial hit for girls. 😥 Would you donate a box of cookies (or several) to first responders? Boxes are $5 each,please venmo to spacejockeys (7869) if you can support. /1 Our SF troop will give all donations to first responders on the 280 corridor serving Bayview/Bernal/Excelsior: SFFD #9/17/25/32/42/43/44/49. If we have enough donations, we can also give to local urgent care.

Boxes are $5 ea, please give via venmo to spacejockeys (7869) ❤ /2
Mar 19, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
If your kids are stir crazy at home, here's an idea: set up a "water cooler" space for their classroom, one that kids can drop into any time they are craving classmate social time. We went with @uberconference, since no download is required on a desktop. (but do use Chrome) /1 Keep settings as is so that you don't need to schedule a time - the room is always open. Turn off call and chat logging, if you're concerned about privacy. Leave them on, if you're concerned about unruly behavior. /2
Nov 4, 2019 4 tweets 4 min read
Most homes have copper phone wiring, which does not require electricity. @PGE4Me @ATT how about cutting a deal to "turn on" service during future #pgeshutoff situations, or emergencies? So people in affected areas can receive autodialed emergency info, call relatives, etc? Trimline phones are $12 retail, so guessing it's <$5 to issue a landline phone that doesn't need power, for customers in high-risk areas.
Jun 18, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
Having a bad experience with @TurkishAirlines. They canceled my connection and replaced with a flight leaving before the day before the first leg.

*unless of course, they have discovered time travel Having called @TurkishAirlines and was told that no, they won't replace it with the other flight that is available. I have to cancel my original itinerary, and buy the other itinerary fresh which will cost $1K more. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? WHY CAN'T YOU JUST REPLACE THE FLIGHT?
May 22, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
Why it's a big deal when schools receive generations of major benefactor support: Like families, schools built upon privilege are in a position to pass down privileges. The Ivy League schools have "need blind" admissions, which = they provide enough financial aid (grants/work study/gov't loans) to get your degree without private loans. So your debt caps out at whatever max the gov't backs. No private loans driving you up to an insane debt load.
May 2, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read
From the It Can't Hurt to Ask Dept:

I lost a gold ring yesterday (at NEMA) that my grandma made. She gave it to me when I was 13, and for 20 years I wore it most of the time. I stopped wearing it when I got married, and just started wearing it again (now that I'm not.) Image ...and as it happened, I took a picture of it this weekend because I was looking into having the stone reset. (It popped out around the same time I got engaged and stopped wearing the ring, so I never got around to it.) Image
Apr 25, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Hey @bayclubs - eliminating the "no alcohol" option at your weekly Family Night buffet is a terrible idea. I will *never use this unwanted booze ticket* since by definition I am driving children home afterwards. Why are family drivers leaving your club being encouraged to drink? The @bayclubs Redwood Shores buffet line currently has 4 adults and 13 kids. Why encourage those 4 adults to be drinking before they drive those 13 kids home?
Apr 9, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
Standing ovation for @okta today - I'd be happy for my daughter's public school (and others) to have donated (even company-branded) art supplies, sports/outdoor equipment, science kits, packaged snacks, motor skills equipment, classroom tech, etc in lieu of my having swag. Things that teachers beg for ongoing in their classrooms (I have purchased/chipped in for all of these at some point): packaged snacks, books, colored pencils/markers, staplers, craft supplies, paper plates/towels/cups, disinfectant wipes, ipads, headphones, charging rack
Apr 7, 2019 5 tweets 4 min read
Turns out @Deadpool 2 is an excuse to teach @calista about #rotoscoping Oh and also teach her about #dubstep BWAHAHA…
Feb 13, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
my two favorite classes at @StanfordGSB were touchy-feely and supply chain management. as it turns out, these are the perfect foundation for leading a @girlscouts troop through its first Cookie Season. 🤔🤣😱 related: torrential rain in SF this month means fewer @girlscouts sidewalk cookie booths - please DM me if the cookie fairies can stop at your office! adorable girls + afternoon cookie cart + open office plan #FTW!
Feb 11, 2019 6 tweets 6 min read
So @calista and I are heading to meet #VCNetwork for her first (!) @warriors game, and I ask her if she could get just one autograph, which player would it be She replies "@KDTrey5!" and I reply "whaaat, not @StephenCurry30?!", to which she argues that @KDTrey5 is a really good sport.
Dec 25, 2018 6 tweets 4 min read
Not for the first time, appreciating that girls squeal over their #LOLSurprise dolls no matter what ethnicity they discover inside The viral spread of #LOLSurprise doll collections is quietly normalizing diversity in pretend play - kudos @MGAEntertain
Nov 14, 2018 6 tweets 1 min read
The nanny vs no nanny discussion escalation in a large Moms in Tech group is fascinating. private group but net:
A: I don't fit in, I can't afford nanny
B: Nannies are great
C: I can't afford nanny either
B: I need nanny to have career
D: I don't want nanny raising my kids
C: I have career but still can't afford any home outsourcing
(100s of comment threads like this)
Oct 31, 2018 4 tweets 3 min read
#momlife today: 1. Pack school lunch/soccer bag, check homework, school dropoff. 2. 75-min drive. 3. @StartX group interview/stack rank 30 hopeful teams. 4. 45-min drive. 5. Finish "witch cat" costume & bake 24 Halloween cupcakes for school. 6. Start laundry. 7. @WebSummit prep! Hoping this is my last key decision today, now that I have worked out the best way for @calista to wear both a witch hat and cat ears 🐱🤔🧙‍♀️ Image