Joseph Mallozzi 🏴‍☠️ Profile picture
Showrunner/Executive Producer/Writer - Dark Matter, Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: Universe. Crime Show enthusiast.

Jun 25, 2018, 10 tweets

#DarkMatter Virtual Season 4 - Episode 4.02, Act V
Our story so far:…
The G.A. shuttle streaks towards the rift, evading weapons fire from the alien ships. As it draws near -
Another ship exits the rift. It's the Marauder!

Onboard The Raza, Android detects the Marauder. SIX's voice comes over the comm channel, requesting permission to dock. As a jubilant FIVE responds, Android directs The Raza on an intercept course, providing cover fire for the Marauder as -

The G.A. shuttle is struck and begins to lose structural integrity. It drifts towards the event horizon and - detonates in a blinding flash, taking down out the rift and a handful of alien ships.

The Marauder docks. The Raza is rocked by sustained weapons fire from the approaching alien ships. Once the Android has confirmed the Marauder is safely aboard, The Raza jumps to FTL and make good its escape.

An elated FIVE is reunited with SIX outside the airlock, throwing her arms around the big man and almost knocking him off his feet. Wexler and Tash's reunion is decidedly more restrained. A nod and "Hey" countered by a "Hey" and nod back.

The Raza docks at a space station.
Anders leaves them, vowing to stay in touch and update them on the movements of the remaining alien ships.
Tash bids SIX a fond farewell. With Alt. Portia and Boone M.I.A., she's now in command of the Alt. Android and their ship.

Wexler pitches TWO for why he should stick around. Portia, Boone, and Ferrous Corp will be gunning for him and Truffault's not returning his calls. It's chaos out there and he's proven he can help. TWO allows him to stay. But she's keeping him on a short leash. As for Ryo...

TWO and the Android pay Ryo a visit. Has he decided? He says he has.
He steps out of his quarters to find the rest of the crew waiting for him - THREE, FIVE, SIX and, now, Wexler. Their expressions convey an array of emotions: uncertainty, pity, hope.

The crew escorts Ryo to the transit pods. The Android reminds Ryo that the procedure is not without risk, but he is past caring. Ryo addresses his former crew mates with a final message: "I'm sorry." Then, he gets into the pod. The procedure begins...

Next on #DarkMatter Virtual Season 4 - Episode 4.02:
The alien invasion escalates, FIVE reaches out to her sister Carina, FOUR's return is bittersweet, and a shocking betrayal stuns the crew of The Raza.

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