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Jul 26, 2018, 7 tweets

Today is #FBI day! Follow along as we celebrate 110 years of service by highlighting milestones and significant cases since 2010. #FBI110

In 2010 nearly 1,000 #FBI special agents from 50 field offices traveled to @FBISanJuan to assist in arresting 133 subjects, many of them police officers. Operation Guard Shack was one of the largest public corruption cases in FBI #history. #FBI110 ow.ly/uHqr30l816K

In 2010 a 10-year joint investigation resulted in the arrests of 10 Russian spies who attempted to infiltrate US policy-making circles. Click here to see photos, video and documents from #FBI Operation Ghost Stories: ow.ly/Lvi930l80vh #FBI110

In 2011 #FBI Top Ten #MOSTWANTED fugitive James “Whitey” Bulger was captured in CA after 16 years on the run. Bulger ran a violent crime ring in South Boston in the 70s and 80s, and was convicted of murdering 11 people among other crimes. #FBI110 ow.ly/wMij30l838s

In 2012 the #FBI launched a Next Generation Cyber Initiative, and dedicated additional resources toward developing tools to counter the cyber threat, hiring more computer scientists, and expanding local cyber task forces. #FBI110 ow.ly/oIwA30l86J6

In 2013 #FBI Ten #MostWanted Fugitives program reached a milestone with the naming of the 500th fugitive. This individual, who was charged with sexually exploiting children, was captured a few days later. See the #history of the list in pictures: ow.ly/QfPX30l8aCf #FBI110

In 2015 the #FBI infiltrated Darkode, an online forum where prolific cyber criminals would buy, sell and trade information. Operation Shrouded Horizon netted 70 arrests in 20 countries and helped strengthen international partnerships. #FBI110 ow.ly/G3Di30l8bLA

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