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Reading Law & Writing Code. Interested in Information and Society, Data, Cybersecurity, Archives, RTI, Maps, Cities, తెలుగు Poetry 😍

Aug 7, 2018, 17 tweets

A thread on all the #Aadhaar data leaks from Andhra Pradesh. The first leak I reported about AP was part of my report on why leaks are happening. The AP government published details of 2 crore residents Aadhaar, bank account numbers, phone numbers as MS Access databases online

Another one part of the same report was AP NREGA website publishing details of another 1,12,99,803 residents #Aadhaar numbers and bank account details.

This NREGA #Aadhaar data leaked again from a different portal. Turns out everyone has everyone's data at multiple databases.

Andhra Pradesh leaked #Aadhaar of every school student, their claim is to stop school dropouts. This data is shared with Microsoft which boosts itself for building an AI…

Andhra Pradesh carried out a huge #Aadhaar based survey and geotagged every resident and the family details by doing ekYC. All of this data was published. You can micro analyse voters in Andhra Pradesh, just using family details, house location, voter lists, living conditions

Andhra Pradesh built a search portal to search anyone's information using #Aadhaar. This portal was again publicly accessible to anyone. That search portal which everyone says doesn't exists are all over the place.

Andhra Pradesh also published every pregnant women's #Aadhaar details along with her caste details, medical profile and expected date of delivery.

AP Govt tracks medicines purchased inside government hospitals and generic pharmacies with the phone number of the buyer. They track more information than just your #Aadhaar data.…

Every resident's property tax, water bills, advertisement tax details along with #Aadhaar numbers, mobile number, GPS lat, long, who lives there and electoral ward you belong to. All of this data is stored with a NGO started by @NandanNilekani They knew the data was leaky in 2015

Govt officials of Andhra Pradesh were so great, they leaked their own colleagues #Aadhaar data and salary structures.

Even swachh bharat portals were leaking this digital shit #Aadhaar

Andhra Pradesh published details of GPS location, Caste, Religion, Occupation, Bank Account details along with #Aadhaar numbers of 50 lakhs people who build new houses…

Andhra Pradesh has made #Aadhaar mandatory for everything and they claim they need all of this data for real-time governance. Something which @UIDAI Chairman (part-time) J SatyaNarayana advised. Surveillance has a new name - real-time governance.

All these leaks and many more because of @ncbn's dream portal CM Dashboard…

Andhra Pradesh wants to link all of this data using #Aadhaar to build 360 profiles of every citizen. They call it People Hub, part of their real-time surveillance Operating System called E-Pragati…

Andhra Pradesh publishes #Aadhaar everywhere from electricity bills to even in auto-rickshaws.

Andhra Pradesh is true digital nightmare, all thanks to #Aadhaar.

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