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Published by Noteworthy, Analytics Vidhya, and Extra Newsfeed.

Oct 26, 2018, 13 tweets

Here is my analysis of #CesarSayoc's twitter account, @hardrockintlent.

I downloaded the last 3200 tweets from @hardrockintlent, and analyzed them with the R programming language.

To start out with, here is a wordcloud of Sayoc's most popular terms used:

As the previous wordcloud shows, Sayoc mentioned "Trump", "CNN", Ryan Zinke, and Fox News anchors, Chris Wallace, & Laura Ingraham, often. Also, "Obama", and "Fox News".

The hashtag, "#ChrisWallace", was used very often by @hardrockintlent.

A sentiment analysis of @hardrockintlent, shows Sayoc's twitter content had high levels of negativity, fear, trust, and anger.

Here are the top ten words used in #CesarSayoc's twitter timeline:

Sayoc tweeted usually in the morning before work, during lunch, and after work:

#CesarSayoc began tweeting at a high volume level the month before the attacks began, September 2018:

This graph verifies #CesarSayoc posted an unusual amount of tweets in September 2018:

Finally, the days of the week that @hardrockintlent posted mostly were Weekends, and Tuesdays:

That ends my analysis of #CesarSayoc's twitter account, @hardrockintlent. Let me know if you are interested in obtaining the .csv file of the last 3200 tweets from that account.

<End of Thread>

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