j363j Profile picture
Author of Last Stand of Democracy: https://t.co/5zh7FsvLN0 Published by Noteworthy and Analytics Vidhya.
Mar 4 11 tweets 2 min read
Section 5 of the 14th Amendment does not say that "only" Congress can enforce "all" of the 14th Amendment.

The Supreme Court are corrupt idiots who have committed historic injustice and are endangering the USA, democracy, and the Constitution.

#Section3 #Section5 #14A Section 3 "empowers Congress to “remove” any Section 3 “disability” by a two-thirds vote of each house."

Than means that States have the right to enforce Section 3's insurrectionist ban.

Jul 27, 2019 17 tweets 7 min read

35 reasons the #MuellerTestimony assists the case of #ImpeachTrump:

1.Mueller directly says that he didn't exonerate Trump.

2.Mueller directly says that Trump wasn't cleared of obstruction of justice. 3. Mueller directly says Donald Trump could be charged with a crime after he left office.

4. Mueller agrees, under Department of Justice policy, the president could be prosecuted for obstruction of justice crimes after he leaves office.
May 28, 2019 19 tweets 17 min read

1) This thread is about an occurrence during the #TrumpRussia #SpecialCounsel investigation that, even though not popularly recognized, represents a major contradiction within the final #MuellerReport. 2) That occurrence is the failed redaction of #PaulManafort's legal team's release of their #SentencingMemorandum.
May 24, 2019 19 tweets 6 min read

The 20 #TrumpAdmin investigations are:

(1 - 10)

1. Tax returns
2. Mueller Report
3. McGahn testimony
4. Trump financial info
5. Deutsche Bank & Capital One
6. Trump-Putin meetings
7. Emoluments
8. Trump Int'l Hotel
9. FBI building move
10. Hush-money The 20 #TrumpAdmin investigations are:

(11 - 20)

11. Security clearances
12. Family separation
13. Immigration issues
14. Nat'l emergency declaration
15. Obamacare repeal
16. Puerto Rico
17. Census
18. Saudi nuclear transfer
19. White House private email
20. Kushner Saudi trip
May 7, 2019 15 tweets 9 min read

#JoeBiden #BernieSanders

Are the Democrats repeating #Election2016?

I downloaded 1000 tweets about Biden and Sanders, and performed Data Science analysis. Here are the results: Here are the most popular hashtags associated with Joseph Biden on Twitter.

Notice that Biden is the target of personal attacks, the same as Hillary Clinton in #Election2016.
May 5, 2019 16 tweets 13 min read

Is there any indication of a possible Republican plot to go through the motions of investigating #TrumpRussia, & then concluding that a conspiracy didn't occur?

Let's examine possible evidence of this plot. On 3/26/2018, (1 year before the #MuellerReport), after 1 year of investigation the then Republican lead House Intelligence Committee released their highly redacted report on #TrumpRussia, "Report on Russian Active Measures, March 22, 2018".

May 1, 2019 7 tweets 8 min read
3/22/18 - Repub-lead #HouseIntel - "No Conspiracy"

3/26/18 - Dem #HouseIntel - "Evidence suggests Conspiracy"

5/16/18 - Repub-lead #SenateIntel - "No Conspiracy"

5/16/18 - Dem #SenateIntel - "Evidence suggests Conspiracy"

3/22/19 - Repub-lead Special Counsel - "No Conspiracy" House Intelligence Committee - "Report on Russian Active Measures, March 22, 2018":

Apr 26, 2019 13 tweets 8 min read

Screen-saves from the Mueller Report proving AG #WilliamBarr's "summary" of the Report involved propagandistic deception: The Mueller Report on the Special Counsel's inability to make Criminal Accusations Against a Sitting President:
Apr 20, 2019 17 tweets 12 min read

One paragraph of the #MuellerReport proves a quid pro quo between the Trump Campaign and the Kremlin to have the Kremlin commit #ElectionFraud during #Election2016, to benefit #DonaldTrump. Here is the paragraph, found on page 14 of 448 in the #MuellerReport:
Apr 14, 2019 14 tweets 5 min read
How Russian Intel staged the #Election2016 Hack in response to the Trump Campaign accomplishing campaign milestones: February 1 2016, Republican primary voting begins in Iowa. Ted Cruz wins the Iowa Caucuses, but Donald Trump follows with wins in the New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada primaries. Trump is sweeping the primaries, on the way to securing the nomination.
Mar 8, 2019 22 tweets 17 min read
#ImpeachTrump #Corruption

Trump cheered Kraft’s team to Super Bowl victory with founder of spa where he was busted:

Feb 27, 2019 16 tweets 7 min read
#TrumpRussia #ImpeachTrump

#MichaelCohen will testify that #DonaldTrump knew #RogerStone talked with #WikiLeaks about stolen email release:

cnn.it/2ThHabd July 6 2016, WikiLeaks emails the GRU in order to release stolen Hillary Clinton documents before Democratic National Convention. The objective is to create dischord between Bernie Sanders supporters, and Hillary Clinton supporters.
Jan 21, 2019 15 tweets 13 min read
Liberty U CIO John Gauger created software to rig Online Polls for Donald Trump, & created the @WomenForCohen twitter account that posted, "Love to see good #Christian people on board the #TrumpTrain #Liberty #Trump2016”:

chronicle.com/article/Libert… "Freeping"; Stacking polls by direct persons online to the poll:
Jan 11, 2019 12 tweets 3 min read

I have found an interesting new connection that is possibly related to #TrumpRussia: 1) When visiting Felix Sater's twitter account, (to find out if he had posted about his childhood friend, Michael Cohen, testifying on 2/7/2019), I discovered one of Sater's first twitter follows was international billionaire criminal, "Vladimir Antonov":
Jan 8, 2019 11 tweets 8 min read

Dec 13, 2018 13 tweets 7 min read
#MariaButina #PleaBargain (THREAD)

Butina has signed a statement admitting that she "sought to establish unofficial lines of communication with Americans having power and influence over US politics" at the direction of the Russian government.
Nov 10, 2018 25 tweets 12 min read
A (THREAD) explaining my theory of Paul Manafort creating the unique #ElectionHacking event, the Trump 2016 Campaign. Of course, American Oligarch Donald Trump was planning to run for President in 1988, & Russia was planning to illegally assist him. I will now demonstrate how Paul Manafort, (whom was in on this plan), gave birth to the Social Media & Computer Hacking campaign of Trump 2016.
Oct 26, 2018 13 tweets 12 min read
Here is my analysis of #CesarSayoc's twitter account, @hardrockintlent.

I downloaded the last 3200 tweets from @hardrockintlent, and analyzed them with the R programming language.

To start out with, here is a wordcloud of Sayoc's most popular terms used: As the previous wordcloud shows, Sayoc mentioned "Trump", "CNN", Ryan Zinke, and Fox News anchors, Chris Wallace, & Laura Ingraham, often. Also, "Obama", and "Fox News".
Aug 31, 2018 13 tweets 8 min read

April 6 2016, GRU Unit 26165 sent spear phishing emails to 30+ Clinton Campaign employees, directing them to a GRU-created website, disguised as the false document, “hillaryclinton-favorable-rating.xlsx.” April 10 2016, George Papadopoulos emailed the Female Russian National, (Putin's "niece" Olga Polonskaya), and Joseph Mifsud, about a foreign policy trip to Russia.
May 25, 2018 19 tweets 4 min read

How #RogerStone's campaign of #TammanyHall political corruption lead to #TrumpRussia: In 1972, Roger Stone worked in the Richard Nixon White House, learning political dirty tricks tactics. In 1977, Paul Manafort managed the campaign of Roger Stone, for President of the Young Republicans Association.
Oct 2, 2017 39 tweets 10 min read
(THREAD) Election Fraud: