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I'm for truth,no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against..Malcolm X

Dec 25, 2018, 40 tweets


Dedicating this thread to Raza Rumi & ilk.

Thread on GREAT BB:

•Great democratic leader BB used EDHI's air ambulance for her election campaign and that too without the knowledge of Abdul Sattar Edhi.


• During 2nd tenure of BB, free hajj was accorded to 316 VIPs on Zakat fund

• During PPP 2008-13 tenure, free Hajj was accorded to 450 journalists (incl Asma Shirazi), politicians & other VIPs.



As per Najam Sethi, due to BB's corrupt tenures, she gave a very bad legacy.


During BB's 2nd tenure, on the construction of PM Secretariat, Najam Sethi was of the view that we a poor country can't afford these luxuries and these are one of the ways to fleece the poor taxpayer money.


After BB 2nd govt was sacked, Sethi was investigating corruption charges of PPP.

Sethi explaining the ingenuity introduced in corruption during BB's 2nd govt.


During BB tenures, her govts recruted 25 and 20 thousand criminals in Punjab and Sindh police.


Like IK, BB also welcomed Musharaf military coup and went onto demand an NRO for her and Zardari.

(IK apologized to the nation for supporting Musharraf for a while but BB never apologized)


Great liberal democrat, Benazir Bhutto made a US brokered deal with Musharaf that entailed dropping corruption cases against her & Zardari & return to power.
(Reference: No Higher Honor by Condoleeza Rice)


• During NS first tenure as a PM, BB marched twice to ISB against NS govt
(Long marches were kosher at that time)

• After her failed long marches, BB colluded with Ishaq to dismiss NS govt, with the same President tht dismissed her govt in 1990


• As per BB-Ishaq underhand deal,BB submitted her party MNAs resignation to President instead of the Speaker NA.

• On 17 April 1993, BB met President & the next day President dismissed NS's govt - Zardari was taken out from the prison & made minister in caretaker setup.


Great democratic leader BB said:

•I will choose Musharaf over NS any day.

•NS is worse than the animal, he brutally tortured my aides.

•But to become PM, I will still shake hands with NS.


As per great leader BB:

• NS was a more brutal fascist than Musharaf is.

• Musharaf is a better dictator than NS.

• Since 1988 NS worked with Generals to trample the democracy.


In 1993, BB accused ANP's Haji Bilour of killing 2 PPP workers & challenged that after the elections he will be forced to hide in his cinema hall, watching old movies.

(But Jang/Geo and Dawn Jurnos will tell you IK started the politics of ILZAM)


Before filing her nomination papers, BB taking blessings and guidance from her peer.

One thing that is common between two Oxford graduates - IK & BB is their faith in Peeri, Muridi.

But only IK is under the influence of his Peerni wife.


NS & BB had one common Peer, BB used to trek a remote hilly terrain to meet her Peer Dewana Baba.

Peer used to beat VVIPs for his benedictions

BB even built a helipad & road constructed for her frequent commute to PEER

But IK is superstitious.


Instead of supporting NS to repeal 8th amendment,BB colluded with Pres&got the NS govt dismissed

To ensure PPP wins the elections, PPP became the part of caretaker setup&Zardari was taken out from the prison&made a caretaker minister.


BB & Zardari version of Surrey mansion in Maryam's style:

"Meri London tu kya Pakistan mei bhi koi property nahe hai"

Later in 2004, Zardari admitted of owning the mansion which previously husband & wife denied.


Polo facility made in the PM house is not very expensive to make as compared to building a multi-story building - Dr. Asif Ali Zardari.


BB & her struggle for civilian supremacy:

Two-central characters in disbursing money to IJI were ex-COAS Aslam Baig & ex-DG ISI Asad Durrani.

BB awarded Baig Tamgha-e-Jahmoriat & made Durrani as the ambassador to Germany during her tenures.


BB called NS names:

•Ganja Shair
•Ganja Shair eats poor people's tax
•In national interest, I can help the DEVIL but not the NS.


BB alleged:

•When NS resigned, he was crying like a baby.
•NS is a thief.
•Sharifs used to kill labors alive in their factories by throwing them in the furnace.


Despite BB knew how her brother Shahnawaz died, she still used her death for politics.

It seems playing politics over dead bodies is in the genes of the Bhutto family.


Great visionary leader BB, knew all along about the corrupt activities of Zardari but she chooses to defend her blindly instead parting her ways from Zardari.


As per BB's uncle, Zardari and his family had no political & financial stature, in fact, Zardari father was involved in fraud cases.

But still, a person like BB choose Zardari to marry.


BB removed her mother from PPP chairmanship because she thought her mom is ill & nobody knew about it & she was not making rational decisions.

Begum Nusrat said she didn't face so much hardships during Zia than she faced during BB tenure.


•When BB was the PM, she & her interior minister General Babar used to take proudly claim that they created Taliban.

• Whilst BB was in self-imposed exile, he gloated being the 'Mother' of the Taliban whose children had gone astray.


During one of the BB's interview, she admitted that Taliban is the national, indigenous group and she was directly in contact with them through Maulana Fazl-ur-Rehman.

(But IK is Taliban Khan)


On Atif Mian, liberals & Jiyala journos admonished IK as if BB would be the PM, would she act differently than PTI govt?

When BB was PM, she even refused to meet Pakistan's first Nobel laureate, Dr Abdus Salam.



Like her father Bhutto, BB said she wants to make Pakistan an 'Islamic Socialist Democracy' but Liberals Jiyalas & Journos tell us BB wanted to make a Liberal Pakistan.

Don't know who is lying?


In 1994, when Sufi Muhammad blocked Malakand Highway, Benazir Bhutto (bulwark against extremism) govt appeased TNSM & promulgated the Nifaz-i-Nizam-i-Shariah regulation.

Now recall the criticism IK and PTI govt faced when they didn't use force against unruly mob of TLP.


BB after becoming the PM for the first knew she has been pitted against the formidable rivals, hence she was also playing the game.

Like NS, BB was also involved in horse trading and offered Ch brothers Punjab CMship in return of their votes.


People voted BB to power despite many hurdles & opposition she faced.

However, she chooses to bank on the US support to save her govt rather relying on people

It was repeated when she got US-brokered NRO & later Zardari tried to involve the US through Hussain Haqqani.


- During BB's 1st stint, she appointed 26k party hacks to state jobs
- Zardari used 421million Rps to acquire shares in sugar mills.
- Received 40 million Rps kickbacks on Pakistan Steel Mill contracts.
- Polish company paid 7% of the commission to Zardari in Tractor's deal


Through various govt contracts, BB and Zardari got their commission in their offshore companies and made a huge fortune abroad.


Great visionary leader Benazir Bhutto got so insecure by IK that BB:

• Banned Shkaut Khanum hospital Ads on PTV
• IK's name removed from 92 world cup promotional Ads
•PTV producer was suspended because he allowed IK's name to go through in a quiz programme.


As per Farooq Leghari the police officers deployed around Murtaza Bhutto were handpicked by BB and Zardari - hence accusing BB of murdering her own brother.

Similar sort of accusations were leveled by Fatima Bhutto in her memoir against BB.



BB & Zardari earned such notoriety that in 1998 New York Time ran a special expose on the BB family fortune.

A US congressional report on graft cited the 'Asif Zardari' case as an exemplar of corruption around the globe - Proud moments for Pak.



After Zia released Great democratic leader BB, she went to London.

Tension ensued as old PPP guards demanded party elections to make decision-making pass to an elected body.
But not only BB purged old guards but got them threatened by his militant brother - Murtaza.


BB removed her mother unceremoniously from PPP chairmanship coz Begum Nusrat wanted BB to share power with Murtaza.

Instead BB removed Begum Nusrat & made an excuse that she was not taking rational decisions.

This she said in an interview


During BB's 2nd tenure, Begum Nusrat said even Zia didn't violate the sanctity of their home as it happened during her daughter's tenure.

Later BB interior minister justified the crackdown saying RAW-trained commandos were hiding inside ZAB's home.

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