rosie ๐Ÿƒ Profile picture
ๆ—ฅๆœฌ่ชž โ€ข AU writer โ€ข Bi โ€ข ESFP โ€ข โš–๏ธ โ€ข Married โ€ข๐Ÿƒโ€ข backup: @meandomjimin

Jan 8, 2019, 93 tweets

Broke the thread again ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฝ
Read from here

Would you look at the time

I'm so turned on

5 minute man

I'm his boyfriend

Ohhhh babe you had a crush on meee

Talk about the really hot part again

Don't make a bet

Feels good around your


Best friends

You're harmless

Have they always been that close

I don't want the summer to end

I won't go anywhere

Make a wish

Yes, we are boyfriends now

Code words

Taehyung being amazing

Whatever you say love

Taehyung educates Jungkook

You know, the hets

So watch me

You're staring

Get on your knees

Can't return the favour?


I'll be careful with you pretty boy




You like this, don't you

He decided it was enough of that

Your tongue

Go on

Such a


I was supposed to be the bad boy

Half the water bill

Reveal Jimin

Hip hop


The mystery of Jin

I'm sneaking an update here

Next time tell us

Eyeliner man

Jimin using one of his codes

Cute morning cuddle

Omg did he

The whole day

Public affection

Three guesses


Not long enough

Taking you

The longer the anticipation the better it gets

That's what you get

No one bites ice cream

So I'll make you wait just a little longer


Eyes up here

Then take me

You're made for this

take me

Thought you hated public affection

When we're home

Wanna try

Let's call a cab

Can't take it anymore

A little birdie


Feels so good

Calm before the storm


Candles and music

You're not that silent either

You can also give me a rub on this side

Double d cup

You hate admitting that I'm right


I told you, didn't I

Jungkook is ranting

When did you fall in love with me

Maybe, I had,, a tiny,,, crush on you



What you asked me to

Not a nice guy


๐Ÿ”žwatch me

You like th-


๐Ÿ”žcan't keep still

๐Ÿ”žThought I was perverted for liking this

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