Tim Hogan 浩勤 Profile picture
UMass Amherst Political Science, Int'l Rel & 中文 Minors. JD Univ. Hawaii. Liberal. Still have my Kennedy/Johnson button. Jin Jiyan Azadî

Jan 31, 2019, 7 tweets

18. Finally got my #DOJ #FOIA request response for the folks who maintain the AG's records. In sum, "IraqGate? Willian Barr? Never them heard of 'em." 😎 @maddow @Lawrence @PhilipRucker @CIA

19. Here's link to all the William Safire @nytimes rage OpEds. They are highlighted for #williambarr references and the last one has my brother. There's a special guest in one. Sorry, no spoilers. 😎

20. My @TheJusticeDept FOIA response said they didn't have a copy of the report. Wished me luck. Here are the page references to Barr from the contemporaneous book about it.

22. Copyright - Alan Friedman. § 107 Fair Use. Pages from Mr. Freidman's book related to possible illegal WMD sale cover-up orchestrated by our current Attorney General. @maddow @Lawrence @neal_katyal

23. cont.

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