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Capitol Hill Correspondent @NewsNation • Metro-Detroit • Proudly Lebanese 🇱🇧 • @ColumbiaJourn • #Sparty @ShirinRajaee’s Husband & Selma’s Dad :) Stay Hungry!

Feb 12, 2019, 12 tweets

Governor Gavin Newsom references President Trump, calls situation at the border a “manufactured crisis, and California will not be part of this political theater.” @FOX40

“I have no interest in sending back 3.5 billion dollars allocated for this project.” Gavin Newsom rebukes expansive #highspeedrail project from Northern to Southern CA, but advocates a high speed rail heading into Central Valley @FOX40

Governor rejects twin tunnel projects funneling water from Northern California to So Cal, instead favors a single tunnel project @FOX40

“We will never waiver on achieving the nations most ambitious energy goals.”-Gov. Gavin Newsom @FOX40

“Our homeless crisis is increasingly becoming a public health crisis.” Cites typhus, syphilis, hepatitis outbreaks statewide -calls for more comprehensive approach, and a more regional/state response. @FOX40

“Shelters solve sleep, housing and supportive services solve homelessness.” -Gov Newsom lays out commitment to combat homelessness. Locally, many homeless advocates in Sac are optimistic his governorship may mean serious funding/programs to combat #homelessness @FOX40

Housing crisis- Gov cites 61% of young adults say they can’t afford to live in CA. Puts onus on local communities to update their housing plans, continue to build. Newsom says “If we want a California for all, we have to build housing for all.” @FOX40

Says 47 other cities not in compliance along w/Huntington Beach (which state filed suit against for not meeting its housing requirements)Says cities need to meet requirements or face consequences (pictured, new Roseville affordable housing project) @FOX40

“Get me a good package on rent stability this year and I will sign it.” -Gov Newsom on #HousingCrisis #CaliforniaHousingCrisis #StateOfTheState @FOX40

Gov. Newsom calls for health care access for undocumented Californians up to age 26 #StateOfTheState @FOX40

Before wrapping up, Gov Newsom acknowledges nurse who recorded a goodbye video to family while trying to escape wildfire #StateoftheState @FOX40

Governor @GavinNewsom appoints Sacramento Mayor @Mayor_Steinberg to lead statewide commission on Homelessness and Supportive Housing. Gov said in his #SOTS #StateOfTheState address that while shelters solve sleep, supportive housing solves #homelessness @FOX40

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