SHoW Profile picture
SHoW is an academic society aimed at understanding the history of war across time, spaces & cultures. Tweets by @Diane2V @jantattenberg

Feb 21, 2019, 7 tweets

To all our lovely 1991 followers, please give us an RT. We're keen to build our network and get over 2000 followers.

We've got some great things to share with you this next few weeks and it would be great if you can help us get the word out.

We want to say WELCOME to all those who've decided to join SHoW.

We're very pleased that what we're saying resonates with you.

We've got some great things on the go and we look forward to working with you over this next year. Our AGM will be in the summer. More on this soon.

The Society for the History of War - a new learned society aimed at understanding the history of war.

Why now? What we hope to achieve and how we will get there.

Please join us. We welcome your insights, involvement and enthusiasm.

We like to RT tweets from colleagues and our wider academic societies. We don't always spot things so just let us know. We like pictures. They catch our eye!

Our first conference is our New Voices in the History of War #nvhow19. This conference has been put together by a team of PhDs including @SpitfireFilly

Take a look at the CfP below

#phdchat #MilHist #twitterstorians

This follows a very successful New Voices in the History of War conference that we organised last year with the help of @JanTattenberg prior to the formal launch of the Society.

Take a look at #nvhow18 to see how much fun we had!

Our second conference will be over two days at Sciences Po in France in the spring of 2020.

A conference team is now in place. The dates are being finalised and we will be making announcements about this very soon.

#MilHist #twitterstorians

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