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A melanin injection in the eye changes reality - Black-Eye Club - https://t.co/jE4HXH7j8W

Mar 27, 2019, 17 tweets

I'm sure this is nothing.

Breaker. One. Nine. You got your ears on? Our @POTUS issued this EO yesterday. #EMP #QAnon

Comey is a bigger player than we thought. Geologic is "geo logic" which is "GPS software" attack. This could be done with EMP. Or this whole narrative is the psyop rumor to set up the next False Flag.

Please see my decode from last week about this. Mainstream media even pushed a story about the next Y2K for GPS.

There have been three Schumann spikes that started on 11/22/2019. The Phoenix ritual i wrote about had it's first vibration on 10.10.2018 with the markets.

If you were using mind control as fencing, you would want people afraid of the places you didn't want them to look. You'd paint the underworld as Hell. Meanwhile, you would tell stories about diamonds raining on Neptune and rockets to the moon to keep everyone's eyes skyward.

A serpent must drown before a Phoenix will rise. This has been prophecized in the city of Astana. In a world of books and crosses, we make no time for the heart. There is no secret soap. Our purity is plucked perfectly from the trees. jtrue.com/blog/serpent-i…

If you think I am too prophetic maybe look into the new third temple a bit. Israel calls itself the throne of God. They declared Trump their Cyrus. They consider gentiles their lesser servants. The words "chosen people" is US-sanctioned genetic narcissism. breakingisraelnews.com/118441/miracle…

This is Astana's Palace of Peace and Reconciliation. That's cabal talk for lots of dead people. This plan has been working for 101 years now. It's naive to think Trump isn't on board. He gave his own daughter to Netanyahu. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palace_of…

What's the opposite of chosen people?

Trump giving Saudi Arabia and Iran to Israel means peace in the middle east. What's the Art of the Deal? America has always happily served Israel. We love being their pawns with every new election. Even now we demand a fresh new crackdown on anti-semitism. politico.com/story/2019/03/…

I don't blame Trump. America is happy on their bellies to Israel. It's a deal the people will call, "The Christian thing to do." We the People made Trump align with Israel. The Mossad network has long been in place.

I like Trump. I like Q. But I like we the people better. We need a dual-citizen Congress declared unconstitutional. Anyone pushing against that is pushing against America First. If Q sent you, don't sit down to Israel. @POTUS

Quetzalcoatl is the archetype of the feathered serpent. Look closely at the water of Astana. It changed from a snake to a bird. A transformation by flooding.

How do you create a serpent as big as a continent? You make one out of migrating people. The Honduran caravan snake is a ritual device. This is a gigantic illuminati flood ritual. It's all there guys. In the architecture.

There's a lot to absorb here. I recommend you open Google maps to Astana. They don't hide that place. They want your consent. Interpret the city plans as your own Oracle.

If this flood happened, America would even look like a winged serpent.

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