Pranay Upadhyaya Profile picture
Diplomatic Editor & NewsAnchor @ZeeNews.Interested in Geopolitics & Strategic Affairs. Tweets Personal,RT≠ Endorsement. #Chevening & #IVLP Fellow.

Apr 8, 2019, 6 tweets

The Menifesto of @BJP4India says the policy of giving a free hand to security Forces in dealing with terrorism will continue.

The Menifesto of @BJP4India says, the process of National Register of Citizens will be implemented in the entire country in phased manner.

The Manifesto of @BJP4India for #LokSabhaElection2019 says, Party will annul #Article35A if returns to power.

.@BJP4India #Menifesto2019 promises financial assistance for the reselement of refugees from West #Pakistan, Pakistan occupied Jammu and Kashmir (#POJK) and Chhamb.

#BJPManifesto2019 talks about Convergence of Technology and Agriculture. Even talks about integrating it with #ArtificialIntelligence and #BlockchainTechnology.

#BJPManifesto2019 promise to infuse more funda in the fisheries sector. Incidentally @BJP4India has a weak presence in the coastline states and especially in the southern India.

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