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Apr 15, 2019, 21 tweets

#BREAKING Notre-Dame's main structure is "saved and preserved" after fire, says Paris fire official

#BREAKING French President Macron says the "worst has been avoided" in Notre-Dame fire

#BREAKING 'We will rebuild Notre-Dame", says French President Macron

#UPDATE Paris fire brigade chief Jean-Claude Gallet said "we can consider that the main structure of Notre-Dame has been saved and preserved"

Paris was struck in its very heart as flames devoured the roof of Notre-Dame, the medieval cathedral made famous by Victor Hugo, its two massive towers flanked with gargoyles instantly recognisable even by people who have never visited the city

AFP floor plan, factfile and history of the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris


Notre-Dame - burning soul of the French nation.

📷 Parisians watch was their beloved cathedral burns. The heartbreaking sight drew crowds onto the streets and to viewpoints where many knelt to pray, cry or stand in stunned silence

Over 850 years, Notre-Dame de Paris survived the French Revolution, two world wars, terror threats and pollution.

📷 Notre-Dame in 1944 and 1945. Its massive bell announced the liberation of the Paris from Nazi control on August 24, 1944

Glimpse inside a burning heart.

Smoke rises in front of the altar cross while the roof of Notre-Dame burns

📷 Philippe Wojazer

#BREAKING Notre-Dame fire "under control, partially extinguished": firefighters

"The fire is completely under control. It is partially extinguished, there are residual fires to put out."

Paris firefighters have spent hours battling the devastating blaze at Notre-Dame, saving the main structure of the Gothic cathedral from total destruction

Some Notre-Dame treasures saved by French firefighters

Two irreplaceable artifacts have been rescued -- the Crown of Thorns, a relic of the passion of Christ and the tunic allegedly worn by Saint Louis

At the height of the fire.

A TV screen grab shows Notre-Dame Cathedral engulfed in flames

Fate of the Roses.

The survival of Notre-Dame's three great stained-glass Rose windows, each of which tells a Bible story, is still uncertain.

At least one appeared still intact after firefighters spent hours battling the blaze that engulfed the UNESCO-Listed cathedral

Notre-Dame inferno.

What we know so far:

Our Lady is burning.

Click on -- -- for a selection of Topshots by @AFP photographers of the inferno that engulfed Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral


#BREAKING French magnate Arnault, LVMH pledge 200 mn euros for Notre-Dame

YouTube accidentally links Notre-Dame fire to 9/11 attacks

#BREAKING Pope Francis is "praying for French Catholics and for the people of Paris in face of the terrible fire which has ravaged Notre-Dame cathedral": Vatican

VIDEO: Cries of sorrow as the spectacular Gothic spire of Notre-Dame collapses before the eyes of horrified onlookers

#UPDATE Pledges pour in to help rebuild Notre-Dame after fire

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