Tom Shugart Profile picture
Defense analyst, former submariner, bugsmasher pilot/flight instructor. Founder, Archer Strategic Consulting. @cnasdc Adjunct Senior Fellow. Opinions my own.

Apr 20, 2019, 21 tweets

Big news (IMO) for SCS watchers: after a couple of years of (AFAIK) no new Google Earth SCS island imagery updates, we just got a bunch of new material (up to 12/2018) for the PRC island bases, Scarborough Shoal, Woody Island, etc. For starters, here's Subi Reef as of 12/2018.

To see this imagery, you'll need the desktop Google Earth app, as Google Maps is still showing what I think was the latest previous imagery, 4/2016 (1st image). With the desktop app, you can use the date slider bar to pull up the latest stuff - what I've found is through 12/2018.

Here's a great new image of the much-discussed retractable roof buildings, along with a point air-defense tower (left).

Here's a shot of a whole bunch of smaller (fighter-size) and larger hangars, as well as other support structures then (2016) and now (12/2018).

Back to where it all started - here's the original Subi Reef structure in 2015, 2016, and 2018.

Here's a great shot of Subi's now-buried hardened underground fuel/water tanks, shown in 2016 and then 2018.

Off to Mischief Reef: here it is in 4/2016 and then 12/2018.

Another then-and-now for hardened fuel and water tanks, this time at Mischief Reef. Look at the scale - that array of tanks is thousands of feet long.

More retractable-roof buildings and air defense towers on Mischief Reef. But hey, these are mostly civilian-supporting facilities, right? 🤨

Here's a set of concrete pads sized for what I imagine will be something like a SAM battery or the like. And what-do-you-know, there are military vehicles parked on them. Any guesses as to what they might be?

Off to Fiery Cross Reef: here it is in 2016 and then 2018.

Here's the site of an antenna farm, air defense tower, and an unknown taller building with a parking ramp (there's one of these on each island), in 2016/2018.

And more of the like, same island.

Small and large hangars, support buildings, etc., on Fiery Cross in 2016 and then 2018.

Multi-story barracks, what I'm guessing are senior officer quarters (with a recreational pool, lower left), etc., then and now.

And folks, anyone can go look at this. Just download Google Earth and take a look, for free. You're welcome. 😁

As for the speculation that, hey, maybe China removed the SAM batteries that they deployed to Woody Island...…

...well, it looks like they still have SOMETHING under tarps on that same beach. I'd put my money on something other than beach chairs, Hobie cats, etc. (imagery dtd 11/12/2018)

And where Woody Island used to have under-construction facilities (2016) it now (2018) looks like they're hardened, buried tanks, storage buildings, etc.

Would you like to know more?…

Also: as always, all opinions my own - and this is just me posting free, commercially-available imagery I stumbled onto on a Friday night...

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