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Jul 10, 2019, 25 tweets

Despite, or perhaps due to, the sexual bullying allegations against Labour's women's officer Lily Madigan at Goldsmiths University, they've defended Karen White - the rapist who said he was a woman so he could rape female prisoners - for the second time in a year

Amid allegations that Lily Madigan sexually harassed a girl at Goldsmiths and then bullied her out of Labour and nearly out of university, LM has changed their Twitter name and handle

Lily Madigan has been accused of committing 'frankly horrifying actions' including harassment and bullying within @UKLabour that have been overlooked by the party

More and more of the lib fem girls who used to blindly retweet everything Lily Madigan wrote are now distancing themselves from LM, due to the sexual harassment and bullying allegations that @UKLabour and @GoldsmithsUoL and @GoldsmithsSU have done nothing about

Not only are @TeenVogue and @Clarisonic paying someone facing sexual harassment and bullying allegations to advertise their products but it turns out Lily Madigan isn't quite the communist they've been telling everyone they are

@TeenVogue @Clarisonic In the battle between a racist paedophile who uses a trans identity to sexually harass and extort from women and girls, and the poor, immigrant women Jessica Yaniv is bullying, Lily Madigan is squarely on JY's side

@TeenVogue @Clarisonic Lily Madigan has twice before posted a strange tweet that they're not interested in an unnamed person, as if they're being stalked. Both times it very quickly emerged that they were facing new sexual misconduct allegations. They've just tweeted this

Lily Madigan usually only changes their Twitter account name when there's a new sexual assault allegation against them. This is the fourth account name they've had in the last month

As we've seen with the rise of people, like Jessica Yaniv, who identify as being disabled, trans ideology involves victimhood appropriation. Here, Lily Madigan doesn't care that they might upset people with actual health problems by pretending they also have them

Lily Madigan has called for another female Labour MP to be deselected over an issue they've never talked about elsewhere and have never criticised any man over. LM is a women's officer for Labour and is the poster child of #labourlosingwomen

The main person who has accused Lily Madigan of bullying and sexual harassment has said she has found out some 'frankly awful' things about them but doesn't understand why @GoldsmithsUoL and @UKLabour have done nothing so far. Meanwhile, LM is continuing to lie and bully

Quite a few screenshots to get through here but several more people are coming forward to say Lily Madigan has been using their time at @GoldsmithsUoL and within @UKLabour to sexually harass and bully girls. Madigan is accusing those behind the allegations of being 'TERFs'

Another day, another sexual assault allegation against Lily Madigan. This one states that Madigan climbed on top of a drunk girl and tried to kiss her without consent. She managed to push him off. @GoldsmithsUoL and @UKLabour have still done nothing about these allegations

Incredibly, Lily Madigan wrote this gaslighting and possible future damage limitation article just a year ago saying they don't have it in them to engage in any sexual activity unless they've received 'enthusiastic consent'…

At least three young women have come forward now to say that Lily Madigan is a sexual abuser. All of them are stating that if the women either say no or complain about Madigan's behaviour, LM responds by launching a bullying campaign, labelling them as 'transphobes'

A young woman in Labour says Lily Madigan climbed on top of her when she was drunk and tried to kiss her before she managed to push him off. LM reacted by bullying her out of Labour. Here are the deleted screenshots of LM's reaction to her quitting

The second tweet here is from August 2019, presumably having forgotten they sent the first in May 2019. Why would Lily Madigan lie about taking hormones? It couldn't be because ... they want others to think they're trans so they can accuse sexual assault victims of 'transphobia'?

Lily Madigan has issued a warning to any future date - if you research me, discover the sexual abuse allegations and then fail to turn up to the date, I will shame you

It looks like the sexual abuse allegations against Lily Madigan have been taken to the next level as LM is making more highly believable claims of 'transphobia' and has come up with this brilliant defence against the 'aggressive kissing' claims

The Labour Party has effectively sacked Lily Madigan as its national women's officer

Lily Madigan is trying to publicly shame a female Labour councillor because she privately said that, having met Lily Madigan, she doesn't think Madigan is suitable to be a Labour officer. And in doing so, Lily has revealed that they don't even know what transphobia means

Lily Madigan has said another person has tried to force kiss them. It's almost as if Madigan is preparing to turn any accusations against them for force kissing around by saying it's actually them that's the repeated victim of that sexual predation

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