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Jul 29, 2019, 19 tweets

Some fun @BorderIrish crossings between Ireland and the UK. Would love to see 'technology' solve this... #brexit

Part of the north-bound lane of the M1 motorway is in the UK. #brexit

This industrial yard is split by the border #brexit

Here the camera is in the UK and pointing towards the south. You can see the @BorderIrish as a line in the road where the surface quality improves.

@BorderIrish Here's another one from earlier #brexit

@BorderIrish This nice house is in Ireland, but driveway starts in the UK. There is no other way in.

@BorderIrish .@BorderIrish cuts this vehicle hire company's property in half. I hope they are ready for the extra paperwork...

@BorderIrish Two more very nice houses in Ireland with driveways starting in the UK. From November many people will need an International Drivers Permit and an insurance 'Green Card' to drive out of their properties.

@BorderIrish The #Brexit #Border divides this small lorry park. Why? I doubt anyone remembers. Maybe it made sense in 1922. Maybe not.

@BorderIrish A chunk of this random lane is in Ireland for no reason.

@BorderIrish More #crazyborder for #brexit 'alternative arrangements' magic to solve...

@BorderIrish Who drew this #border? Were they high?

@BorderIrish Another business cut in half by @BorderIrish

@BorderIrish And another business cut in half. These people will need to be exporting and re-importing their cattle each day after #brexit

@BorderIrish The nice people of Cavanagh Free Range Eggs have a #brexit problem. Their business is in the UK, but the only access road is via the EU.

@BorderIrish A nearby barn is divided by the #brexit border. Can @BorisJohnson technology track farm animals as they move around the barn?

@BorderIrish @BorisJohnson Final tweet on this. Who can figure out this section of @BorderIrish?

@BorderIrish There's a lot of tweets in this thread, so this might help:

Some people are asking how other EU borders are done. I did a short thread on that a while back. Coming to a @BorderIrish near you...

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