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Aug 15, 2019, 6 tweets

#OTD in 1945, #Tokyo sued for peace and free nations celebrated: #WorldWar2 was over. Emperor Hirohito told his people they should “endure the unendurable and suffer the insufferable” after 8 years of war. #VJDay #WWII #threadtweet

#VJDay - Victory over Japan on Aug 15 1945- came as the #RoyalNavy prepared for the final invasion of the home islands alongside the Americans: Operation Downfall. Allied casualties were predicted to be at least 200,000 killed and wounded. #WWII #treadtweet

The British Pacific Fleet was the mightiest force ever mustered by the #RoyalNavy outside home water: 5 battleships, 33 fleet, light and escort carriers, 23 cruisers, nearly 80 destroyers, 43 submarines and scores of minesweepers, sloops, auxiliaries & escorts. #VJDay #treadtweet

On the morning of August 15, aircraft from HMS Indefatigable struck at enemy airfields around #Tokyo. “We must fly the flag to the end,” the carrier’s captain told them. Two men never returned – one executed by firing squad by his captors. #VJDay #RoyalNavy #treadtweet

After downing 600 enemy aircraft and sinking or damaging 250 ships, British Pacific Fleet Commander Admiral Fraser told his men they had “struck at the heart” of their foe: “You have every reason to be proud of the part you have played in the defeat of Japan.” #VJDay #threadtweet

On carrier HMS Victorious, sailor Jim Dodds celebrated: “The defeat of Japan means more to us than the defeat of Germany. It’s hard to believe that it’s all over, but knowing that there will be no more action stations, no more suicide attacks, makes us all very jubilant.” #VJDay

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