Anil Biswal - Modi Ka Parivar Profile picture
SwayamSevak | RSS | State Spokesperson of BJP Odisha I Proud Indian | Columnist | PhD in Journalism सत्य, धर्म, न्याय, कर्मफल

Aug 19, 2019, 16 tweets


On a fateful night of Feb 1931 in Kanikoot, 9 members of a Kashmiri Pandit Janki Nath's families were hacked to death with an axe including ladies & children. After hacking to death, conspirators set on fire top floor of the house to destroy the evidence.

1998 Wandhama massacre refers to murder of 23 Kashmiri Pandit Hindus in the town of Wandhama, victims included 4 children, 9 women & 10 men. Attackers also demolished Hindu temple. Lashkar-e-Taiba was blamed for perpetrating the massacre.

@ashokepandit @rahulpandita @TarekFatah @AartiTikoo @mariawirth1 @samskarebyaha @PrasenjitKBasu @pratiba_sk @gurichopra @ramprasad_c #KashmirHinduMassacre

On 13th July 1931 communal pogrom against Kashmiri Hindus & Khatri traders was a pre-planned move. Hindus became victims of mad frenzy in Vicharnag, Maharajganj, Khankah Mohalla, Shopian & Anantnag. More than 100 Pandits were killed.

@ashokepandit @rahulpandita @TarekFatah @AartiTikoo @mariawirth1 @samskarebyaha @PrasenjitKBasu @pratiba_sk @gurichopra @ramprasad_c #KashmirHinduMassacre
1947 Mirpur Massacre was the killing of thousands of Hindu & Sikh refugees in Mirpur of today's #POK Kashmir, by armed Pakistani soldiers & supporters. Muslims killed 10,000 Hindu & Sikhs in a Gurudwara & abducted 5,000 women. (1/2)

@ashokepandit @rahulpandita @TarekFatah @AartiTikoo @mariawirth1 @samskarebyaha @PrasenjitKBasu @pratiba_sk @gurichopra @ramprasad_c @kashmirArchives @KongposhSandeep @RootsInKashmir @sufirushk @KamalHak @Rashneek @sunilJbhat @KamleshBarwal @Tejasvi_Surya @p_sahibsingh #KashmirHinduMassacre
Hindu & Sikh women were raped & abducted. Many number of women committed mass suicide by consuming poison before falling into the hands of the militants, to avoid rape and abduction. Men also committed suicide. Estimates measure death toll at over 20K. (2/2)

@ashokepandit @rahulpandita @TarekFatah @AartiTikoo @mariawirth1 @samskarebyaha @PrasenjitKBasu @pratiba_sk @gurichopra @ramprasad_c @kashmirArchives @KongposhSandeep @RootsInKashmir @sufirushk @KamalHak @Rashneek @sunilJbhat @KamleshBarwal @Tejasvi_Surya @p_sahibsingh @vinay1011 @DarshanaJardosh @VinodChavdaBJP @DilipGhoshBJP @Tithi_Mishra @HinduDndEqlity @basant_nayar @IYERBJP @prinks_estyle @AlokPranchal #KashmirHinduMassacre Nadimarg Massacre

On March 23,2003 Nadimarg entered as yet another chapter in the history of genocide of #Kashmiri Pandits. In a brutal display of savagery, merchants of terror, waging Jehadic war moved down 24 Kashmiri Hindus,including 11 women,2 children

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