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Aug 19, 2019, 5 tweets

For #WorldHumanitarianDay we asked our colleagues about what motivates them and what challenges they are battling as women in humanitarian work? #WomenHumanitarians

“It has become very clear to me that, if I want to see things changed, I should be in the arena. So, here I am, choosing courage over comfort every single day.” Meaza Semaw, Medical Coordinator, #Ethiopia. #WomenHumanitarians

“In this patriarchal society where beating wives is considered the norm, my greatest motivation is that at least I am doing something to create awareness to prevent and reduce gender-based violence.” Dr. Syeda Jahan, #GBV Programme Coordinator, #Bangladesh. #WomenHumanitarians

“Working as a pharmacist, involved in drug procurement, supply, and management, gives me the satisfaction of being part of this humanitarian work and help in the provision of essential drugs to needy people.” Aneela Tahir, Senior Pharmacist, #Pakistan#WomenHumanitarians

Read their full testimonies and find more stories for #WorldHumanitarianDay >>…

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