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Aug 19, 2019, 13 tweets

It’s easy to feel trapped in the unending cycle of news coverage devoted to US politics. But photography is a useful reminder that the world is a much bigger place. So in celebration of #WorldPhotographyDay, here are some of our favorite photo stories 1/

Every weekend in countries around the world, men and women don elaborate costumes, adopt assumed identities, and meet up to enact fantastical scenes set in alternate realities. Photographer Boris Leist has captured it here. #WorldPhotographyDay wired.trib.al/C908Kl8 2/

As a child, Rachael Talibart spent her summers on her father’s sailboat, both frightened and fascinated by the sea. Now she’s a professional photographer, and is exploring that tension through her photo series, 'Sirens'. #WorldPhotographyDay wired.trib.al/T61R6GX 3/

Vladimir Antaki has photographed over 250 small shopkeepers from around the world, including this portrait of Jainul Abedin at his bodega in a New York City subway station. #WorldPhotographyDay
wired.trib.al/Qu8AcvC 4/

Photojournalist Park Jongwoo was granted rare access to the two-mile-wide swath of land between North and South Korea—an area called the Korean Demilitarized Zone. This is what he saw. #WorldPhotographyDay wired.trib.al/pPRaOdz 5/

The Svalbard Satellite Station sits inside the Arctic Circle just 745 miles from the North Pole. That means the sun doesn’t set in summer or rise in winter. Photographer Reuben Wu captured its beauty. #WorldPhotographyDay
wired.trib.al/xVJ1INz 6/

In 2016, the California City Correctional Facility launched a pilot program that paired inmates, many of them convicted of violent offenses, with rescue dogs. Known as Pawsitive Change, it proved wildly successful
📸Shayan Asgharnia #WorldPhotographyDay wired.trib.al/aNITkuc 7/

The first step to taking a halfway decent photograph is making sure you're holding the camera right-side-up—that is, unless you’re photographer Arnau Rovira Vidal. #WorldPhotographyDay wired.trib.al/vpH0bki 8/

Robin Friend rappelled five stories down to capture this scene at the abandoned Gaewern Slate Quarry in Ceredigion, Wales. #WorldPhotographyDay
wired.trib.al/9t2fgwp 9/

The district of Kowloon, Hong Kong, is a crowded place, and apartments can be amazingly small. So residents often escape to the tops of buildings to walk their dogs, hang laundry, or just take a catnap.
📸 Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze. #WorldPhotographyDay wired.trib.al/GiIRwaU 10/

Dmitry Markov’s photographs depict a Russia you won't see sightseeing in Moscow or St. Petersburg. In his gritty images, all taken with an iPhone, Markov documents ordinary life in small towns. #WorldPhotographyDay wired.trib.al/GJJ2VIm 11/

You can find all of our photo galleries showcasing incredibly talented photographers here. wired.trib.al/4nrIH5d

Happy #WorldPhotographyDay!

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