Rebecca Jaffe, MD Profile picture
Hospitalist division director, mom, adventurer. Committed to social change, & a sustainable future for docs & patients alike. tweets=my views, not employer

Aug 22, 2019, 10 tweets

1/Was sent this by an EM friend who had to interpret this totally outdated scene for her stroke recertification. For real this image is part of a standardized test in 2019??? We decided there were some other images in need of “correcting”
#timesuphc #medtwitter #heforshe

“I went to medical school and all I got was a full time job and full time parenting.”

“Mom is an amazing cook all the time, but she brings her A game when taking call for her division and helping me with my math homework”

“Gentlemen may prefer hanes, but I prefer autonomy and my 401K.”

“¥£€%&, even with these blinders on I can see you’re paying me less than you’re paying him.”

“Phillip, there won’t BE any allowance unless I can get back to the cath lab. Now pack those lunches and try not to shrink all my sweaters this time”

Feel free to correct you own. I offer these beauties to get you started.

Posted with full appreciation for the amazing #heforshe men and #timesuphc institutions out there working for #genderequity in health care. Would suggest we incl removing bias in educational materials!

8/ “Dr. H estimates that forgoing oncology halved her lifelong earnings. But she’s grateful that she had other options for practicing medicine — and can still meet her children at the school bus most afternoons.”
- @nytimes
#womeninmedicine aren’t aiming for #justhappytobehere

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