Peter Jukes Profile picture
Dramatist wrenched out of fiction 12 years ago by the fierce urgency of fact (& Murdoch crimes). Co founder @Byline_Media @BylineFest @BylineTimes - myself here

Aug 22, 2019, 6 tweets

Just got exploring the vast @BylineFest site - where @pussyrrriot will be performing and hundreds of speakers from @thatginamiller to @carolecadwalla. Here’s the lovely glamping and Walk a Mile in my shoes immersive experience

And here’s our main venue #themediacircus where we’ll start tomorrow night with a #sambaparty refugee choir, poets @birgittaj and @salenagodden @BylineFest

Lots of good traders and bars coming soon to hang out in this beautiful forest

Down the main parade is the Future Dome and the #ExtinctionRebellion stage for training, panels, talks and DJs at night

Nearby is our famous @frontlineclub bar and a documentary tent where we’ll screen dozens of documentaries including #TheGreatHack

And then the fabulous Forest Forum hidden in this lovely valley in the Ashdown Forest

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