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"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." Stephen Hawking Support my work at: https://t.co/SrwlOO3XXk

Aug 23, 2019, 14 tweets

The Patrick Byrne allegations (we will see how much is true & how much is diversion) have lead the left to make another stunning revelation. One that proves that another major piece of the Democrat's alibi is false.
This time, Trump Russia started in 2015! #ButNothingsHappening

Every time one of Trump's allies wants to deliver a major red pill, t,hey wrap it up in an allegation against Trump or his family. The Dems dive right in to this allegation not realizing that it just lead them to destroy their previous alibi!
Seth Abramson delivers this red pill

Huh, I thought Peter Strzok started the Trump Russia investigation on July 31, 2016. With intelligence that @GeorgePapa19 was a Russian agent!
But Seth just accidentally red pilled the world to get Trump! Showing that Strzok was investigating Trump Russia in 2015!

Wanna guess it was certain FBI assets working for the Trump organization that sent the FBI after Marina Butina? Seth will never figure it out, but I bet his thread will tell us!
Yep it only takes a few tweets to find out who was in a position to warn the FBI about Torshin!

After failing in their efforts with the Trumps, Butina & Torschin move onto another FBI asset, Patrick Byrne! He was getting orders from Strzok with 'claims' that Comey was giving the orders. Which is what you would say if you are scapegoating Comey for Strzok & McCabe!

Of course, Seth Abramson probably got his facts wrong so he tries to correct it later in the thread. Instead of DJTJr. perjuring himself by not mentioning the April 2015 meeting with Butina & Torschin, he figures out it was probably the FBI's #1 undercover asset @realDonaldTrump

Byrne's story about Butina provides Seth a lot of evidence that the FBI was likely surveilling Butina & Torshin after someone tipped them off in the Spring of 2015. Maybe someone who took that secret meeting like he always does for his FBI handlers!

Yep, just enough bait to get Seth to destroy the alibi put in place by the dirty cops at the FBI that they were not investigating Trump Russia before July 31st, 2016!

Almost like Byrne put out just enough to convince the Dems that this time they really will get the Trumps!

Wonder if Seth will ever figure out who the FBI asset is in this picture? Or does he already know!

Seth also discusses the NRA & Gen. Flynn trips to Russian.

At the same time Butina is taking NRA leaders to meet Putin. The DIA approved trip to Moscow by @GenFlynn is occurring to meet with Putin too & brief them upon his return.

Looks like Seth is looking for collusion! Lets hope he keeps the Democrats fooled for a bit longer while Trump exploits their ignorance! The Dems look like Wile E. Coyote chasing the road runner! No matter how many times they crash into the tunnel painted on the side of the cliff

Seth even managed to connect Torshin to an Obama Administration effort to collude with the Russians using US. Treasury Dept. FINCEN employees to secretly collude with the Russians through gmail!

If you are not aware of the Obama Administration's collusion with the Russians during the 2016 election, then please check out this thread. It is another critical piece of the global corruption scandal. Protecting the Swamp from inside FINCEN...

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