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Aug 24, 2019, 8 tweets

With the liberation of Khan Sheikhun 2nd phase of #IdlibDawn operation is almost over. #SAA finally secure N.Hama salient & eliminates important defensive line opening the doors of Idlib hearthland from S. & a reduction of 25 km of frontline. 560 Km^2 were liberated since May (1)

However, advance to Maarat Numan may stop due to New observation post line building by Turkey in Hish village & with Next Astana round aproaching new ceasefire could be stablished soon. Before this date #SAA should gain as much ground as possible (2)

The first step is to create a buffer zone around Khan Sheikhun (red). Tamanah & Kafar Sijnah towns are the main objetives. In adition, the new line set by Turkey new observation post should force rebels to retreat (orange) from some villages around the front. (3)

Once this first task is completed & if a ceasefire is finally not established the following 2 options could happen: (4)

1. From Tamanah: #SAA will advance north of this town between Surman OP & M5 until Tell Sultan OP. With this advance is expected a big collapse of rebels from many villages from S. #Idlib until W. #Aleppo & the creation of launch points for an operation towards Maraat Numan.

2. From Kafr Sijnah: #SAA will move N.W. this town in order to create a pincer movement through Hzarrin-Kafranbel-Bara until Juzif outflanking Jabal Shahshbo. This will force a big rebel collapse around this mountain & most of Ghab plain despite Turkish presence in Shir Maghar

Despite the possibility of #RoadToMaaratNuman delayed & even if a ceasefire was announced, #SAA will start anyway preparations for the 3rd part of #IdlibDawn operation... (End)

Which one do you think it will happen before?

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