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Aug 31, 2019, 15 tweets

Ok so here are the 12 rules to make your product viral.
#Virality #Growth #growthhacking #socialmediamarketing

1. The product is the viral. The thing you're building has to be shareable. You can't layer virality true on top of a product that isn't viral.

2. Have a huge interest overlap. What % of people are interested in entomology? Few. Not viral. What % like puppies? Lots. Good. Can be viral. Like horoscopes, funny videos, weird news... All things that lots of people are interested in.

3. Grab attention: novelty (as in the news), sex, violence (as in the news, following the famous adage “If it bleeds, it leads”…), mystery, emotions, strong visuals, stories, and talking about the users themselves.

4. Don't give everything away on the viral itself. If you do, people will just consume it and not click through.

5. Give the payoff immediately after the user goes to your product. Give them what they came for. Don’t bury it under 10 minutes of clicks, email sign-ups, and all the other things that your product has to offer. People don’t care.

6. Reach the viral point right away. Push the viral point as close to the beginning of the user experience as possible. Otherwise you will lose most of them before they spread your product.

7. Give good incentives for both the sender and the receiver.

8. The viral must reflect the identity of the users. What you share determines who you are. It reflects what you stand for.

9. Make it easy to send to as many friends as possible

10. Layer viral channels: newsfeed, notifications, emails... The more, the easier it is to spread

11. Understand how the social platforms work into the detail of the APIs, and then exploit that.

12. Create a reason for a viral to happen daily

Here's a summary. Hope you enjoyed!

Btw here’s the full article…

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