Dr. Vivek Murthy, U.S. Surgeon General Profile picture
19th & 21st U.S. Surgeon General. Dad, husband, doctor, author. Dedicated to building a healthier, kinder, more connected world. https://t.co/GxSi2TxtAD

Sep 8, 2019, 6 tweets

(1/6) In honor of #RecoveryMonth , this #SundaySpotlight is focusing on “Facing Addiction In America—The Surgeon General’s Spotlight on Opioids"

(2/6) In order to help end the #OpioidCrisis we must eradicate the #stigma surrounding addiction. Addiction is a chronic but treatable brain disease, and not a moral failing or character flaw.

(3/6) #DYK that the addiction process is a 3️⃣ stage cycle? This includes: Binge (Intoxication), Withdrawal (Negative Affect), and Preoccupation (Anticipation). This cycle becomes more severe as a person continues substance use.

(4/6) Effective treatment and supports is a promising key to addressing substance misuse. Treatment programs that offer more of these evidence-based components have the greatest likelihood of producing better outcomes.

(5/6) There are @US_FDA approved medications with well-supported evidence of safety and effectiveness for improving outcomes for individuals with opioid use disorders👇

(6/6) We MUST get to a place where we can truly, as a nation, say that addiction is a chronic disease which needs to be treated with science, urgency, and compassion. I encourage everyone to read my #SGSpotlight and get the facts: addiction.surgeongeneral.gov

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