🦋@lunaperla.bsky.social 🇫🇷🇬🇧🇪🇸🇺🇦🇨🇦 Profile picture
Spanglish screenwriter, playwright & reluctant political activist, with a fetish for shoes. FD BigBreak & Roadmap Wise Words Winner. Brefugee in Paris 🇪🇺

Oct 2, 2019, 19 tweets


A thread of memes for @ByDonkeys

1. unelected bureaucrat & grand vizier #DominicCummings

@ByDonkeys #GetReadyForBrexit

2. Orwellian double-speak


3. Vulture capitalists


4. Britain risks becoming the sort of country you wouldn't want to bring a child into. #BrexitDividend


5. Medicine shortages (in the event of #CrashOutBrexit)


6. Siblings - Max


7. Siblings - Jo


8. Siblings - Rachel


9. Get ready to get yellowhammered by Johnson's million-to-one #CrashOutBrexit


10. No benefits


11. Brexit culture war


12. Magic money tree for Govt priorities, no money at all for public's priorities



13. A PM who wants to rule without parliament... there's a word for


14. Ministers with forked tongues off of which lies slither like snakes


15. *Adequate food*


6a. Alternative: Siblings - Max


7a. Alternative: Siblings - Jo


8a. Alternative: Siblings - Rachel

I broke the thread!

Here are the bonus #GetReadyForBrexit memes...

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