🦋@lunaperla.bsky.social 🇫🇷🇬🇧🇪🇸🇺🇦🇨🇦 Profile picture
Spanglish screenwriter, playwright & reluctant political activist, with a fetish for shoes. FD BigBreak & Roadmap Wise Words Winner. Brefugee in Paris 🇪🇺
3 subscribers
Feb 21, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
@shoshanade @Knitknurse @krishgm SNP planned 2 motions to embarrass Labour. (They openly said they were trying to force Labour's hand.)

They dropped £28bn #NetZero motion to focus on #GazaCeasefire motion.

SNP's motion was heavily critical of Israel. Labour wanted wording more MPs (inclu. Tories) wld accept
@shoshanade @Knitknurse @krishgm Labour put forward a motion.

Tory Whips got wind that enough Tory MPs would vote for it that it'd pass and so decided to play games.

Tories introduced an amendment late yesterday (weak vs SNP/Labour).

Normally, only 1 amendment is selected for an OpDay motion - the Govt's.
Nov 17, 2021 5 tweets 8 min read
Voters of #Cornwall #Devon #Dorset and #Somerset:

Did your MP vote to make pensioners poorer by breaking the #ToryManifesto pledge to maintain the #TripleLock on pensions?

Check this handy guide: (1/5)

#ToriesOnTheTake #PovertyInTheUK These are the #Cornwall MPs who voted to make pensioners poorer by breaking the #ToryManifesto pledge to maintain the #TripleLock on pensions.

George Eustice
Cherilyn Mackrory
Steve Double
Sheryll Murray
Scott Mann

#ToriesOnTheTake #PovertyInTheUK 2/5
Apr 15, 2021 16 tweets 4 min read
Dear .@SirRogerGale

You asked a good question today: to what extent are new trade deals smoke & mirrors?

It deserved a better answer.

JJ was wrong on many points. Fox committed to rolling over 40 FTAs by midnight 27MAR19. THAT was what folk said cldn't be done, and it wasn't. As we know, Liz Truss is STILL negotiating some of them over 2yrs later! Disingenuous of JJ to move the goalposts & pretend it was said it could NEVER be done. Those who know about trade know it takes time: roughly 2.8mths per FTA, but yes, should've been quicker for roll-overs.
Oct 11, 2020 23 tweets 17 min read
🧵 on why you should be worried about Cummings ordering MPs to betray YOU by breaking Govt's manifesto pledge to uphold or even enhance our food, #AnimalWelfare & #Environment standards —plus why MPs should listen to you and vote for the Lords Amdts to the #AgricultureBill🚜: Let's look at the numbers:

92% of the British Public want current farm animal welfare standards to be maintained in trade negotiations with the US and other countries.

(YouGov for #WWF, Oct 2020)

Oct 10, 2020 4 tweets 8 min read
For Tory MPs in *Rural 75* & *Rural 50* seats how you vote on #AgricultureBill Lords' Amdts will prove decisive in GE2024. Don't kid yourself we'll forget. 95% of the public back #SaveOurStandards.

(List of MPs in *R75* & *R50* seats in .@WCountryBylines catchment area follows) #Cornwall R75
#Cornwall R50
George Eustice

#Devon R75
#Devon R50

#SaveBritishFarming 🚜
Oct 9, 2020 20 tweets 15 min read
MONDAY: #AgricultureBill is back in the Commons.

Most MPs are well-intentioned & #BackBritishFarming, but the truth is, unless standards are enshrined in law, there is a high probability risk farming will be undermined. .@Keir_Starmer understands this.

#SaveBritishFarming .@trussliz thinks it's worth undermining our food, farming, animal welfare, countryside & Enviro standards to get trade deals, but has she weighed up the trade-offs? Trade deals gains are tiny compared to losses from trashing our standards —not just £ losses.

Aug 28, 2020 54 tweets 32 min read
@RussInCheshire I'm so sorry to hear about your mum. I must say, you're being remarkably stoic about it. I dare say you're in bits inside. Be kind to yourself. 😇

Meanwhile, don't worry about #TheWeekInTory. I've made some notes for you... @RussInCheshire To start off #TheWeekInTory, some good news —possibly because it's got nothing to do with Tories.

19AUG20: The 1st polar bear to be born in UK for 2yrs will move from its Scottish home to an English Park.

Hmm. That might make a good metaphor for something more political...
Aug 23, 2020 16 tweets 6 min read
BILLIONS of Tax-payers' £ spaffed on dubious contracts to Palantir, Faculty, Serco, Sitel, Randox, Public First, Aventis, Pestfix, Ayanda, etc.

Why isn't Govt public procurement abuse + Towns Fund misallocation all over News & MSM newspapers? Extent of #GovtCorruption shocking! If you're not up to speed on what Govt has been up to in procurement, using C19 *emergency measures* to bung taxpayers'£ to firms controlled by chums, often with negligible assets or relevant expertise à la ferryless ferry co, this is a good place to start
Jul 12, 2020 7 tweets 7 min read
#7MemesFor7Days of political immaturity, incompetence & idiocy —or evil by design?

(Stories tended to break late in the day this week, so I've gone for themes instead of days.)

1. Tory hypocrisy vis-à-vis #NHS laid bare by *clap on Sunday, clamp on Monday* #7MemesFor7Days

2. Johnson made his mismanagement of C19 in #CareHomes worse by BLAMING them for the high death toll —a mistake he's tried to row back from, but refuses to do the one thing that might help: apologise, even tho' Starmer gave him 3 opportunities to do so at #PMQs.
Jul 4, 2020 8 tweets 7 min read
#7MemesFor7Days of political immaturity, incompetence and idiocy —or is this evil by design?

1. Sunday: fall-out from Mikey Gove's Ditchley Lecture. Using reaching for FDR's greatness as cover, he revealed he wants radical experimentation without oversight. #7MemesFor7Days

2. Monday: a new, inane 3-word slogan (#BuildBuildBuild) to headline another lacklustre prime ministerial speech. A prelude to more broken promises, more taxpayers' £ down the drain & a dead cat to distract us from the merciless drive towards NO DEAL with the EU.
Jun 29, 2020 53 tweets 15 min read
Have you all read .@michaelgove's Ditchley Lecture?

"The Privilege of Public Service" runs to 139 paragraphs over 69 (double-spaced) pages.

The main topic is civil service *reform* —but it covers so much more & raises interesting QUESTIONS...

assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/upl… MG quotes Antonio Gramsci,"The crisis consists precisely of the fact that the inherited is dying—and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear."

In our case the inherited was assassinated, the loss an uncompensated diminishment...

Jun 28, 2020 8 tweets 4 min read
@GoodwinMJ It's not true that the side formerly known as Remain has no ideas. We've been sidelined, ignored & treated as 2nd class citizens in our own country for the past 4yrs, and it's only getting worse.

Here, for what it's worth, is my manifesto for change:

/1. @GoodwinMJ 1. Clean up public life by:

a) making the Nolan Principles a legal duty of care for all elected officials and their SpAds;

b) deepening, broadening & strengthening the powers of the House of Commons standards committee;

c) giving the public greater powers of recall of MPs
Mar 27, 2020 12 tweets 7 min read
@JMPSimor There were initially 2 UK producers, Smiths in Luton and Medtronics in NI.

Smiths formed a consortium with other UK manufacturers, shared its IP & has an order for 30k #ventilators, with an initial 5k to be delivered soon-ish (presumably part of the 12k that's really only 8k). @JMPSimor Here's an article about Smiths:

Mar 15, 2020 10 tweets 4 min read
The UK HealthSec - paid £141k+expenses from taxpayers' £ - has chosen to put his #Coronavirus update behind a paywall.

For those of you who don't have a Telegraph subscription, here are the main points.

(Frankly, @MattHancock you should be ashamed of yourself.)

/1. "The coronavirus outbreak is the biggest public health emergency in a generation.

It calls for dramatic action, at home and abroad, of the kind not normally seen in peacetime."

Then goes on to express sadness at 21 deaths. All victims had underlying health conditions.

Mar 7, 2020 19 tweets 23 min read
March-4: .@LukePollard proposed a very sensible motion in response to #UKFloods, calling for an independent review into:
-Govt response
-Flood prevention/defence funding
-Insurance issues
-Lessons learned

Who could possibly vote against that?

You'd be surprised...

/1. Dear constituents of #Telford, esp. #Ironbridge,

Your MP #LucyAllan voted against Mr Pollard's motion.

Instead she backed the watered-down version of the motion, committing to nothing very much.

If you want more than warm words, write to her.
#HoldThemToAccount #UKFloods

Feb 2, 2020 17 tweets 12 min read
@DPJHodges Just read your piece.

Difficult to cut thru all YOUR hate, scorn & vitriol, but I discern the kernel of an idea — that people want to be respected & *feel* Remainers don't.

That's actually a fair point, but don't you think you'd convey it better if you didn't hate-coat it? @DPJHodges Is it actually *true* Remainers don't respect Leavers, or is it just folk like you putting that narrative out there?

a) you prime your readers' reaction by starting with the word *bitter* & using a string of pejoratives (As BITTER REMOANERS RANT... FRUITCAKES & LOONIES)

Jan 15, 2020 54 tweets 41 min read
@LBC @NickFerrariLBC @Nigel_Farage NEWSFLASH: The world has seen us as a joke since 24-Jun-2016. #Brexit, innit?

(Do I really need to provide you with the links to articles from around the world over the past few years detailing what a joke UK is? Surely, being *broadcast journalists*, you've read them already?) @LBC @NickFerrariLBC @Nigel_Farage AUSTRALIA

It is a bit like watching a loved grandparent in physical and mental decline. You care for them deeply. You appreciate all they have done for you. But each day they become more inwardly focused. Their world contracts. They seem increasingly incoherent.

N. Rowley, ABC
Jan 14, 2020 40 tweets 31 min read
@Bebe111 @derekjames150 a) if we stop paying £7.9bn/yr (official figure) to EU dues, we also lose the £80bn/yr in benefits it yields. What's the plan to compensate our economy for that?

b) the UK govt divied up the quotas & OUR fishermen sold them. Those contracts will still apply post-#Brexit.

/cont. @Bebe111 @derekjames150 cont...

Why will those contracts still apply? The #RuleOfLaw is a cornerstone of our constitution. Contract law is local, UK law. Without it nobody who trades or transacts business of any kind could have confidence in engaging in any form of commerce in the UK.

Nov 25, 2019 4 tweets 5 min read
Morning, Remainers!

Few of us wanted a GE. We hoped a VONC->GNU wld give us a PV. So far #GE2019 has been grim. Tribalism has reared its ugly head.

STOP! Let's change things up. We cld have so much fun. Imagine waking up on Dec13 having toppled a Brexity Tory🥰

#TacticalVoting Voters in these constituencies can topple a Tory Brexity Beast by #TacticalVoting:

Chingford-Woodford Grn (IDS)
Esher & Walton (Raab)
N.E.Somerset (Mogg)
Richmond Park (Goldsmith)
Shipley (PhDavies)
Uxbridge-S.Ruislip (Johnson)
Witham (Patel)
Wokingham (Redwood)
Wycombe (Baker)
Oct 2, 2019 19 tweets 10 min read

A thread of memes for @ByDonkeys

1. unelected bureaucrat & grand vizier #DominicCummings @ByDonkeys #GetReadyForBrexit

2. Orwellian double-speak
Aug 19, 2019 5 tweets 5 min read
@JohnnyMercerUK @LukePollard Why are you making fun of this?

Your colleague, Matt Hancock, said he couldn't guarantee that people wouldn't die (early) due to difficulty in procuring *some* life-saving medicine post-#Brexit.

#NHS & #BMA have both warned about this.

#NHS ordered a stockpile of body bags. @JohnnyMercerUK @LukePollard Indeed, because your Govt has diverted taxpayers' £ (that's OUR money, not yours) from public services to pay for #Brexit (£6.3bn you're spaffing up the wall, to borrow a Johnsonian phrase), #Brexit has caused some premature deaths already.

I've seen tweets like this: