Shachi Kurl Profile picture
President @angusreidorg 🇨🇦's public interest pollster. I ask ppl q's & tell u their a's. Opinions mine, unless they're yours. Chair, @JackWebsterFdn.

Oct 8, 2019, 16 tweets

In other words, when we asked ppl where they *think* most of our newcomers are arriving from, 64% said the Middle East. But Middle Eastern/North African countries represented only 12% of actual immigration in recent years: #elxn43

Here's another big misconception: as a nation, we significantly overestimate the number of refugees coming into the country, and underestimate the number of economic class (skilled worker) immigrants: #elxn43

Now, when respondents were given the correct proportions and numbers of each class of immigrant (economic, family, and refugee/humanitarian), we then asked, should the proportion of each be higher or lower? Here's what we found: #elxn43

So onto an edgier question... where *should* our permanent residents be coming from? In every province except for Quebec, more than half say, the country of origin doesn't matter:

But what are ppl's second choices? See this: #elxn43

Another area of debate in recent years has been a language requirement for permanent residents (economic & family class but not refugees) ... so we asked about it. A majority say immigrants should be able to speak some English or French: #elxn43

Again, political preference is a big driver of opinion on this question: #elxn43

Now... onto the @liberal_party government record on the immigration file... this is mixed, and again, a political divide comes to the fore: #elxn43

@liberal_party Where the @JustinTrudeau government suffers is on assessments of how its handled the border/asylum seeker issue. Even 1/4 Liberal voters think #PMJT was "too soft" #elxn43

@liberal_party @JustinTrudeau But it's not as though any one leader is a clear, hands down choice to lead the immigration file better. @AndrewScheer edges the others, but hardly a majority or consensus choice: #elxn43

@liberal_party @JustinTrudeau @AndrewScheer One of the arguments in favour of immigration to Canada is the economic one. That is, we can't have nice things like healthcare without a tax base, and we aren't making enough babies to maintain that base, so, we need immigration. For the most part, Canadians agree: #elxn43

@liberal_party @JustinTrudeau @AndrewScheer One of the arguments against immigration is also the economic one. That is, immigrants take jobs away from people already living here. For the most part, Canadians disagree with this: #elxn43

@liberal_party @JustinTrudeau @AndrewScheer Should province have more say in who comes, and how many? Certainly that is the view of the CAQ government in Quebec. What does the rest of the country think about their own provinces having more control? See below: #elxn43

@liberal_party @JustinTrudeau @AndrewScheer There's more... this is a very comprehensive survey. The intent is to help inform a respectful conversation on an important issue. The level of misinformation I must say was a "bazinga!" moment for me.... but anyway, those are the highlights.

@liberal_party @JustinTrudeau @AndrewScheer Once again, you can read the entirety of the report, see the questionnaire, download the datasets and dig into the methodology here:… #elxn43

@liberal_party @JustinTrudeau @AndrewScheer And thanks, as always, for following along. I very much appreciate it. Kurl out.

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